Release Notes for JMRI 5.11.2 release
Date: January 10, 2025
From: release pumpkin
Subject: Test Release 5.11.2 of JMRI/DecoderPro is available for download.
This is a test release. Please
post a note
if you encounter any new or old bugs!
And please back up your JMRI files before installing this, in case you want to go
back to an earlier version.
This is the next in a series of 5.11.* test releases.
It requires at least Java 11 to work.
We recommend that you use Java 17.
(See our page on downloading Java)
We expect this series to end in the next JMRI production release in June 2025.
(See the tentative release schedule)
JMRI is now only available under the
GNU General Public License. For more information, please
see our
copyright and licensing page.
Update From Older JMRI Versions
If you are currently using a version older than JMRI 5.0, please follow these instructions carefully:
- Is your current version older than JMRI 4.12?
If so, then update to JMRI 4.12 first, and ensure everything works correctly: check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name and use those from now on.
Then continue with step 2.
If you are currently using JMRI 4.7.3 or earlier on Linux or macOS (Windows doesn't need this),
then it's very important
that you update to JMRI 4.12 and
carrying out the migration process described in the JMRI 4.12 release note
before updating to any later release.
- Is your current version older than JMRI 4.20?
Then update to JMRI 4.20 first, and ensure that works correctly (check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Save your preferences again.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name, use those from now on, and go on to step 3.
- Is your current version older than JMRI 4.24?
Then update to JMRI 4.24 first, and ensure that works correctly (check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Save your preferences again.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name and use those from now on.
- Is your current version older than JMRI 5.0?
Then update to JMRI 5.0 first, and ensure that works correctly (check
start-up, check things you need to be working, and check the JMRI log as well) before doing anything else.
Save your preferences again.
Store your configuration and panel files under a new name and use those from now on.
- You can then install this release.
Following this multi-step order of updating via stable major releases safeguards you against possible migration issues
that can arise from skipping these versions.
New problems with this release
New warnings for this release:
Older warnings
See the
JMRI 5.10 release note for more warnings predating the 5.11 development series,
including pointers to various migration issues.
These may be relevant to you if you're updating from an earlier version;
we strongly recommend you update to at least
JMRI 5.0
before installing this test release.
instructions above.
- Since JMRI 4.99.1
This test release, and all subsequent ones, require the use of
Java 11 or later.
We recommend that you use Java 17.
Java 8 is explicitly not supported.
There's more information on this migration on the
JMRI Tech Road Map and
JVM Capabilities pages.
- If you're using a Firefox web browser and opening JMRI
help files locally (not over the web), a Firefox bug
can sometimes cause it to enter a loop. There's a
workaround in
this JMRIusers post.
Download links:
These files are located in the
JMRI 5.9.7 GitHub release.
full list of included changes is available from our
GitHub code repository.
Hardware Support
- Added netBiDiB as another BiDiB connection type.
- Fixed a bug in the LccPro search function on large LCC networks.
- Added "Node Groups" to LccPro and the Event Table.
- You can now create an LCC/OpenLCB
that's shared across multiple JMRI instances on the same LCC/OpenLCB network.
If you change the StringIO value in one JMRI instance, it will be propagated to the
other ones over the network. You can then use LogixNG or scripts to
use that information to communicate between JMRI instances.
- Hornby TXS Sound Decoders use CVs 200 and 201 to identify the specific Sound Profiles Uploaded to the Chip.
Previously the product-id verification process used CV47, 48 and 49 for these decoders.
Those CVs contain firmware update information which is not useful when creating conditional decoder definitions for TXS chips.
The product-id verification process has been modified to interrogate CVs 201 and 200 for Hornby TXS decoders.
(This should have no effect on identification for Hornby TTS decoders.)
- Add the ability to use an AdHoc transit, which is created dynamically between 2 blocks
Dynamic Transits are always run "No Signals". Dynamic Transits are removed at train termination. If
they are not removed for any reason they will not be saved. Currently the route must be clear from end to end
and any flaws in the routing table will cause grief. Avoid having the train stop in them.
- Add Ghost type block. It must have a "not real" sensor, internal is best.
The sensor should not be manipulated by logix or logixNG or scripts. Auto trains will
set and clear these sensors automatically, manual run trains simply ignore them.
They are useful for adding blocks between 2 turnouts where you would normally add a tiny block with the same block
as one of the turnouts which causes errors in the routing tables. With care they can be used for placing turnouts
in their own block.
- Fix errors in loading maxlength and Maxspeed
- Clean up AdHoc Transits after use.
- Fix minor bugs in min speed settings.
- Fixed a bug in the LccPro search function on large LCC networks.
- Added "Node Groups" to LccPro and the Event Table.
- Fixed a bug in Event Table display if using large fonts.
- The expression StringIO as string value
has been added.
- Added train departure times to Yardmaster and Conductor.
- Fixed internationalization for Web Manifest, UK and other languages.
- Added the option of building train when selecting Conductor and train not built.
- New print option, Manifests and switch lists can now be printed double sided.
- Export Schedules now includes spur name and mode
Turnouts, Lights, Sensors and other elements
are a new type of object within JMRI. They're a way to exchange informational strings
with the layout hardware. Over time, we'll build-out more system connections for these.
- Fixed a bug in the XSLT transforms used to make
panel files human-readable: "if" was used when "when" was required.