The JMRI Manual
Getting Started
Using DecoderPro®
DecoderPro® Programming Modes
The Basic Programmer
The Comprehensive Programmer
The Advanced Programmer
DecoderPro® Main Window
Creating a Decoder Definition
Error Messages

DecoderPro® Main Window

Main Window Overview

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When you start DecoderPro, the DecoderPro window is displayed. All of the JMRI functions can be accessed via the menu bar on the DecoderPro® window, additional menus are added when functions are selected, example below with added operations menu(selected on operations setup window), which is also in the tools menu.


After initial setup of preferences, you may have added buttons at the bottom of the screen to open various tools that you may want to use. These buttons will vary to match your preferences, I have setup buttons for New Throttle, Power Control and Monitor Loconet.


Menu Bar

Contains the menus that allows you to access all the features and tools in JMRI

DecoderPro® icon and DecoderPro version information is displayed. The version of Java installed and in use is also shown

Provides access to the decoder programming capability in Service Mode Programmer
Provides access to the Operations Mode Programmer.
Opens the Help Window
Exits the program, with confirmation dialog.

The buttons shown at the bottom of the window are not JMRI defaults, but instead are setup in your preference to open each time you start DecoderPro®. The following are samples that could be set in your preferences. (Shown are for a Digitrax LocoNet system)

Opens a throttle window which provides a tool to control your trains, you may open more than one throttle and position on the computer screen


Opens the Monitor LocoNet window that allows you to monitor the commands and responses on the LocoNet.

locoNet monitor

Opens Power Control window, which allows you to turn track power on or off during operations.

power control

These are just samples of the possible buttons that may be added at startup.

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