AbstractRosterItemAction |
Base class for Actions to copy, export and import RosterEntry objects.
Bundle |
CopyRosterItemAction |
Copy a roster element, including the definition file.
DeleteRosterItemAction |
Remove a locomotive from the roster.
ExportRosterItemAction |
Export a roster element as a new definition file.
FullBackupExportAction |
Offer an easy mechanism to save the entire roster contents from one instance
of DecoderPro.
FullBackupImportAction |
FunctionLabelPane |
Display and edit the function labels in a RosterEntry.
IdentifyLoco |
Interact with a programmer to identify the
RosterEntry for a loco on the programming track.
ImportRosterItemAction |
Import a locomotive XML file as a new RosterEntry.
LocoFile |
Represents and manipulates a locomotive definition, both as a file and in
PrintListAction |
Action to print a very compact summary listing of the Roster contents.
PrintRosterAction |
Action to print a summary of the Roster contents.
PrintRosterEntry |
RecreateRosterAction |
Recreate the roster index file if it's been damaged or lost.
Roster |
Roster manages and manipulates a roster of locomotives.
RosterConfigManager |
Load and store the Roster configuration.
RosterConfigPane |
Provide GUI to configure Roster defaults.
RosterEntry |
RosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including
information on how to locate it from decoder information.
RosterEntryPane |
Display and enable editing a RosterEntry panel to display on first tab "Roster Entry".
RosterIconFactory |
Generate and cache icons at a given height.
RosterMediaPane |
A media pane for roster configuration tool.
RosterSpeedProfile |
A simple class to store a speed profile for a given loco The speed steps
against the profile are on a scale of 0 to 1000, this equates to the float
speed x 1000.
RosterSpeedProfile.SpeedSetting |
RosterSpeedProfile.SpeedStep |
RosterStartupActionFactory |
Factory for roster startup actions.
UpdateDecoderDefinitionAction |
Update the decoder definitions in the roster.