Package jmri.jmrix.grapevine

This package handles communications for the ProTrak Grapevine hardware.

Note that the zero Grapevine address is used for error messages, and does not correspond to a node. The nodes have addresses 1 through 127. These are mapped to e.g. GT1 through GT126001 for their first outputs.

Use the Grapevine Simulator connection type to pretend all nodes are present. Simulator was introduced in JMRI 4.11.4.

Grapevine Binary Message Format Summary

Signal (Head)s (Banks 1-3)

        b2 (element 1): id + state      b4 (element 3): bank + parity
        bit/id (1 - F = 15 poss.)       bank 1                      0001 ....
                         .000 1...      bank 2                      0010 ....
                         .001 0...      bank 3                      0011 ....
                         .001 1...
                         etc up to      parity                      .... xxxx
                         .111 1...

        Signal State (7 appearances)
        Green               .... .000
        (more colors)
        Red                         .... .110

Sensors (bank 4 and 5)

        b2 (element 1) : id + state      b4 (element 3): bank + parity
        bit/id (01 - 3F = 63 poss.)      bank 4 (new serial)    0100 ....
        .000 001.                        bank 5                             0101 ....
        .000 010.
        .000 011.                        parity                             .... xxxx
        .000 100.
        .111 111.

        Sensor State:
        (4) Active          .... ...0
        (4) Inactive    .... ...1
        (5) Bit States  .... 1010 (set of 4 Active/Inactive bits for Parallel Sensors on Bank 5)

        Sensor Type:
        Parallel                .00. ....
        Parr. 2nd               .10. ....
        Old Serial              ..1. ....
        (5) Nibble High ...1 ....
        (5) Nibble Low  ...0 ....

        Special codes:

        b2                               b4
        Init1 0x71              0111 0001        Renumber node 0x60     0110 ....
        Init2 0x73              0111 0011


        Set Node 3 Signal 2 to Red:     0x03 0x8C 0x03 0x10 + parity
        Bit 2: 1001 0110 = 0x..         Bit 4: bank 1 = 0x10

        Set Node 1 Sensor 2 to Active:  0x01 0x8C 0x01 0x40 + parity
        Bit 2: 1000 0100 = 0x8C         Bit 4: bank 4 = 0x40


  • Node Table: checks for existing nodes by requesting software version
  • Node Table Tool to change a node address
  • Error handling/reporting - captures address 0 messages


  • SerialLight needs to be updated to work; see SerialTurnout for communications
  • Automatically create a SerialNode if a message from an unknown address arrives?
  • Update the node type based on info received in response to software version message
  • Error handling/reporting - start by capturing address 0 messages

Related Documentation

Other sources of documentation
See Also:
SerialMessage.staticFormat(int, int, int, int)