001package jmri.jmrit.display;
003import java.awt.*;
004import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
005import java.awt.event.*;
006import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
007import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
008import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
009import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
010import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
011import java.text.MessageFormat;
012import java.util.*;
013import java.util.List;
015import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
016import javax.swing.*;
017import javax.swing.Timer;
018import javax.swing.border.Border;
019import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder;
020import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
021import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
023import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
025import jmri.*;
026import jmri.jmrit.catalog.CatalogPanel;
027import jmri.jmrit.catalog.DirectorySearcher;
028import jmri.jmrit.catalog.ImageIndexEditor;
029import jmri.jmrit.catalog.NamedIcon;
030import jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape.PositionableShape;
031import jmri.jmrit.logixng.*;
032import jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.DeleteBean;
033import jmri.jmrit.logixng.tools.swing.LogixNGEditor;
034import jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainIcon;
035import jmri.jmrit.picker.PickListModel;
036import jmri.jmrit.roster.Roster;
037import jmri.jmrit.roster.RosterEntry;
038import jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.RosterEntrySelectorPanel;
039import jmri.util.DnDStringImportHandler;
040import jmri.util.JmriJFrame;
041import jmri.util.swing.JmriColorChooser;
042import jmri.util.swing.JmriJOptionPane;
043import jmri.util.swing.JmriMouseEvent;
044import jmri.util.swing.JmriMouseListener;
045import jmri.util.swing.JmriMouseMotionListener;
048 * This is the Model and a Controller for panel editor Views. (Panel Editor,
049 * Layout Editor or any subsequent editors) The Model is simply a list of
050 * Positionable objects added to a "target panel". Control of the display
051 * attributes of the Positionable objects is done here. However, control of
052 * mouse events is passed to the editor views, so control is also done by the
053 * editor views.
054 * <p>
055 * The "contents" List keeps track of all the objects added to the target frame
056 * for later manipulation. This class only locates and moves "target panel"
057 * items, and does not control their appearance - that is left for the editor
058 * views.
059 * <p>
060 * The Editor has tri-state "flags" to control the display of Positionable
061 * object attributes globally - i.e. "on" or "off" for all - or as a third
062 * state, permits the display control "locally" by corresponding flags in each
063 * Positionable object
064 * <p>
065 * The title of the target and the editor panel are kept consistent via the
066 * {#setTitle} method.
067 * <p>
068 * Mouse events are initial handled here, rather than in the individual
069 * displayed objects, so that selection boxes for moving multiple objects can be
070 * provided.
071 * <p>
072 * This class also implements an effective ToolTipManager replacement, because
073 * the standard Swing one can't deal with the coordinate changes used to zoom a
074 * panel. It works by controlling the contents of the _tooltip instance
075 * variable, and triggering repaint of the target window when the tooltip
076 * changes. The window painting then explicitly draws the tooltip for the
077 * underlying object.
078 *
079 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2007
080 * @author Dennis Miller 2004
081 * @author Howard G. Penny Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005
082 * @author Matthew Harris Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
083 * @author Pete Cressman Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011
084 *
085 */
086abstract public class Editor extends JmriJFrame implements JmriMouseListener, JmriMouseMotionListener,
087        ActionListener, KeyListener, VetoableChangeListener {
089    final public static int BKG = 1;
090    final public static int TEMP = 2;
091    final public static int ICONS = 3;
092    final public static int LABELS = 4;
093    final public static int MEMORIES = 5;
094    final public static int REPORTERS = 5;
095    final public static int SECURITY = 6;
096    final public static int TURNOUTS = 7;
097    final public static int LIGHTS = 8;
098    final public static int SIGNALS = 9;
099    final public static int SENSORS = 10;
100    final public static int CLOCK = 10;
101    final public static int MARKERS = 10;
102    final public static int NUM_LEVELS = 10;
104    final public static int SCROLL_NONE = 0;
105    final public static int SCROLL_BOTH = 1;
106    final public static int SCROLL_HORIZONTAL = 2;
107    final public static int SCROLL_VERTICAL = 3;
109    final public static Color HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = new Color(204, 207, 88);
111    public static final String POSITIONABLE_FLAVOR = DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType
112            + ";class=jmri.jmrit.display.Positionable";
114    private boolean _loadFailed = false;
116    private ArrayList<Positionable> _contents = new ArrayList<>();
117    private Map<String, Positionable> _idContents = new HashMap<>();
118    private Map<String, Set<Positionable>> _classContents = new HashMap<>();
119    protected JLayeredPane _targetPanel;
120    private JFrame _targetFrame;
121    private JScrollPane _panelScrollPane;
123    // Option menu items
124    protected int _scrollState = SCROLL_NONE;
125    protected boolean _editable = true;
126    private boolean _positionable = true;
127    private boolean _controlLayout = true;
128    private boolean _showHidden = true;
129    private boolean _showToolTip = true;
130//    private boolean _showCoordinates = true;
132    final public static int OPTION_POSITION = 1;
133    final public static int OPTION_CONTROLS = 2;
134    final public static int OPTION_HIDDEN = 3;
135    final public static int OPTION_TOOLTIP = 4;
136//    final public static int OPTION_COORDS = 5;
138    private boolean _globalSetsLocal = true;    // pre 2.9.6 behavior
139    private boolean _useGlobalFlag = false;     // pre 2.9.6 behavior
141    // mouse methods variables
142    protected int _lastX;
143    protected int _lastY;
144    BasicStroke DASHED_LINE = new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT,
145            BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL,
146            10f, new float[]{10f, 10f}, 0f);
148    protected Rectangle _selectRect = null;
149    protected Rectangle _highlightcomponent = null;
150    protected boolean _dragging = false;
151    protected ArrayList<Positionable> _selectionGroup = null;  // items gathered inside fence
153    protected Positionable _currentSelection;
154    private ToolTip _defaultToolTip;
155    private ToolTip _tooltip = null;
157    // Accessible to editor views
158    protected int xLoc = 0;     // x coord of selected Positionable
159    protected int yLoc = 0;     // y coord of selected Positionable
160    protected int _anchorX;     // x coord when mousePressed
161    protected int _anchorY;     // y coord when mousePressed
163//    private boolean delayedPopupTrigger = false; // Used to delay the request of a popup, on a mouse press as this may conflict with a drag event
164    protected double _paintScale = 1.0;   // scale for _targetPanel drawing
166    protected Color defaultBackgroundColor = Color.lightGray;
167    protected boolean _pastePending = false;
169    // map of icon editor frames (incl, icon editor) keyed by name
170    protected HashMap<String, JFrameItem> _iconEditorFrame = new HashMap<>();
172    // store panelMenu state so preference is retained on headless systems
173    private boolean panelMenuIsVisible = true;
175    private boolean _inEditInlineLogixNGMode = false;
176    private LogixNGEditor _inlineLogixNGEdit;
178    public Editor() {
179    }
181    public Editor(String name, boolean saveSize, boolean savePosition) {
182        super(name, saveSize, savePosition);
183        setName(name);
184        _defaultToolTip = new ToolTip(null, 0, 0, null);
185        setVisible(false);
186        InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalHeadManager.class).addVetoableChangeListener(this);
187        InstanceManager.getDefault(SignalMastManager.class).addVetoableChangeListener(this);
188        InstanceManager.turnoutManagerInstance().addVetoableChangeListener(this);
189        InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().addVetoableChangeListener(this);
190        InstanceManager.memoryManagerInstance().addVetoableChangeListener(this);
191        InstanceManager.getDefault(BlockManager.class).addVetoableChangeListener(this);
192        InstanceManager.getDefault(EditorManager.class).add(this);
193    }
195    public Editor(String name) {
196        this(name, true, true);
197    }
199    /**
200     * Set <strong>white</strong> as the default background color for panels created using the <strong>New Panel</strong> menu item.
201     * Overriden by LE to use a different default background color and set other initial defaults.
202     */
203    public void newPanelDefaults() {
204        setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE);
205    }
207    public void loadFailed() {
208        _loadFailed = true;
209    }
211    NamedIcon _newIcon;
212    boolean _ignore = false;
213    boolean _delete;
214    HashMap<String, String> _urlMap = new HashMap<>();
216    public NamedIcon loadFailed(String msg, String url) {
217        log.debug("loadFailed _ignore= {} {}", _ignore, msg);
218        if (_urlMap == null) {
219            _urlMap = new HashMap<>();
220        }
221        String goodUrl = _urlMap.get(url);
222        if (goodUrl != null) {
223            return NamedIcon.getIconByName(goodUrl);
224        }
225        if (_ignore) {
226            _loadFailed = true;
227            return NamedIcon.getIconByName(url);
228        }
229        _newIcon = null;
230        _delete = false;
231        (new UrlErrorDialog(msg, url)).setVisible(true);
233        if (_delete) {
234            return null;
235        }
236        if (_newIcon == null) {
237            _loadFailed = true;
238            _newIcon = NamedIcon.getIconByName(url);
239        }
240        return _newIcon;
241    }
243    public class UrlErrorDialog extends JDialog {
245        JTextField _urlField;
246        CatalogPanel _catalog;
247        String _badUrl;
249        UrlErrorDialog(String msg, String url) {
250            super(_targetFrame, Bundle.getMessage("BadIcon"), true);
251            _badUrl = url;
252            JPanel content = new JPanel();
253            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
254            panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
255            panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10));
256            panel.add(new JLabel(MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("IconUrlError"), msg)));
257            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt1")));
258            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt1A")));
259            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt1B")));
260            panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10));
261            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt2", Bundle.getMessage("ButtonContinue"))));
262            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt3", Bundle.getMessage("ButtonDelete"))));
263            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt3A")));
264            panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10));
265            panel.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("UrlErrorPrompt4", Bundle.getMessage("ButtonIgnore"))));
266            panel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10));
267            _urlField = new JTextField(url);
268            _urlField.setDragEnabled(true);
269            _urlField.setTransferHandler(new DnDStringImportHandler());
270            panel.add(_urlField);
271            panel.add(makeDoneButtonPanel());
272            _urlField.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TooltipFixUrl"));
273            panel.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TooltipFixUrl"));
274            _catalog = CatalogPanel.makeDefaultCatalog();
275            _catalog.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("ToolTipDragIconToText"));
276            panel.add(_catalog);
277            content.add(panel);
278            setContentPane(content);
279            setLocation(200, 100);
280            pack();
281        }
283        protected JPanel makeDoneButtonPanel() {
284            JPanel result = new JPanel();
285            result.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
286            JButton doneButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("ButtonContinue"));
287            doneButton.addActionListener(a -> {
288                _newIcon = NamedIcon.getIconByName(_urlField.getText());
289                if (_newIcon != null) {
290                    _urlMap.put(_badUrl, _urlField.getText());
291                }
292                dispose();
293            });
294            doneButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TooltipContinue"));
295            result.add(doneButton);
297            JButton deleteButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("ButtonDelete"));
298            deleteButton.addActionListener(a -> {
299                _delete = true;
300                dispose();
301            });
302            result.add(deleteButton);
303            deleteButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TooltipDelete"));
305            JButton cancelButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("ButtonIgnore"));
306            cancelButton.addActionListener(a -> {
307                _ignore = true;
308                dispose();
309            });
310            result.add(cancelButton);
311            cancelButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TooltipIgnore"));
312            return result;
313        }
314    }
316    public void disposeLoadData() {
317        _urlMap = null;
318    }
320    public boolean loadOK() {
321        return !_loadFailed;
322    }
324    public List<Positionable> getContents() {
325        return Collections.unmodifiableList(_contents);
326    }
328    public Map<String, Positionable> getIdContents() {
329        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(_idContents);
330    }
332    public Set<String> getClassNames() {
333        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_classContents.keySet());
334    }
336    public Set<Positionable> getPositionablesByClassName(String className) {
337        Set<Positionable> set = _classContents.get(className);
338        if (set == null) return null;
339        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);
340    }
342    public void setDefaultToolTip(ToolTip dtt) {
343        _defaultToolTip = dtt;
344    }
346    //
347    // *************** setting the main panel and frame ***************
348    //
349    /**
350     * Set the target panel.
351     * <p>
352     * An Editor may or may not choose to use 'this' as its frame or the
353     * interior class 'TargetPane' for its targetPanel.
354     *
355     * @param targetPanel the panel to be edited
356     * @param frame       the frame to embed the panel in
357     */
358    protected void setTargetPanel(JLayeredPane targetPanel, JmriJFrame frame) {
359        if (targetPanel == null) {
360            _targetPanel = new TargetPane();
361        } else {
362            _targetPanel = targetPanel;
363        }
364        // If on a headless system, set heavyweight components to null
365        // and don't attach mouse and keyboard listeners to the panel
366        if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
367            _panelScrollPane = null;
368            _targetFrame = null;
369            return;
370        }
371        if (frame == null) {
372            _targetFrame = this;
373        } else {
374            _targetFrame = frame;
375        }
376        _targetFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE);
377        _panelScrollPane = new JScrollPane(_targetPanel);
378        Container contentPane = _targetFrame.getContentPane();
379        contentPane.add(_panelScrollPane);
380        _targetFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
381            @Override
382            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
383                targetWindowClosingEvent(e);
384            }
385        });
386        _targetPanel.addMouseListener(JmriMouseListener.adapt(this));
387        _targetPanel.addMouseMotionListener(JmriMouseMotionListener.adapt(this));
388        _targetPanel.setFocusable(true);
389        _targetPanel.addKeyListener(this);
390        //_targetFrame.pack();
391    }
393    protected void setTargetPanelSize(int w, int h) {
394//        log.debug("setTargetPanelSize now w={}, h={}", w, h);
395        _targetPanel.setSize(w, h);
396        _targetPanel.invalidate();
397    }
399    protected Dimension getTargetPanelSize() {
400        return _targetPanel.getSize();
401    }
403    /**
404     * Allow public access to the target (content) panel for external
405     * modification, particularly from scripts.
406     *
407     * @return the target panel
408     */
409    public final JComponent getTargetPanel() {
410        return _targetPanel;
411    }
413    /**
414     * Allow public access to the scroll pane for external control of position,
415     * particularly from scripts.
416     *
417     * @return the scroll pane containing the target panel
418     */
419    public final JScrollPane getPanelScrollPane() {
420        return _panelScrollPane;
421    }
423    public final JFrame getTargetFrame() {
424        return _targetFrame;
425    }
427    public Color getBackgroundColor() {
428        if (_targetPanel instanceof TargetPane) {
429            TargetPane tmp = (TargetPane) _targetPanel;
430            return tmp.getBackgroundColor();
431        } else {
432            return null;
433        }
434    }
436    public void setBackgroundColor(Color col) {
437        if (_targetPanel instanceof TargetPane) {
438            TargetPane tmp = (TargetPane) _targetPanel;
439            tmp.setBackgroundColor(col);
440        }
441        JmriColorChooser.addRecentColor(col);
442    }
444    public void clearBackgroundColor() {
445        if (_targetPanel instanceof TargetPane) {
446            TargetPane tmp = (TargetPane) _targetPanel;
447            tmp.clearBackgroundColor();
448        }
449    }
451    /**
452     * Get scale for TargetPane drawing.
453     *
454     * @return the scale
455     */
456    public final double getPaintScale() {
457        return _paintScale;
458    }
460    protected final void setPaintScale(double newScale) {
461        double ratio = newScale / _paintScale;
462        _paintScale = newScale;
463        setScrollbarScale(ratio);
464    }
466    ToolTipTimer _tooltipTimer;
468    protected void setToolTip(ToolTip tt) {
469        if (tt != null) {
470            var pos = tt.getPositionable();
471            if (pos != null) {  // LE turnout tooltips do not have a Positionable
472                if (pos.isHidden() && !isEditable()) {
473                    // Skip hidden objects
474                    return;
475                }
476            }
477        }
479        if (tt == null) {
480            _tooltip = null;
481            if (_tooltipTimer != null) {
482                _tooltipTimer.stop();
483                _tooltipTimer = null;
484                _targetPanel.repaint();
485            }
487        } else if (_tooltip == null && _tooltipTimer == null) {
488            log.debug("start :: tt = {}, tooltip = {}, timer = {}", tt, _tooltip, _tooltipTimer);
489            _tooltipTimer = new ToolTipTimer(TOOLTIPSHOWDELAY, this, tt);
490            _tooltipTimer.setRepeats(false);
491            _tooltipTimer.start();
492        }
493    }
495    static int TOOLTIPSHOWDELAY = 1000; // msec
496    static int TOOLTIPDISMISSDELAY = 4000;  // msec
498    /*
499     * Wait TOOLTIPSHOWDELAY then show tooltip. Wait TOOLTIPDISMISSDELAY and
500     * disappear.
501     */
502    @Override
503    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
504        //log.debug("_tooltipTimer actionPerformed: Timer on= {}", (_tooltipTimer!=null));
505        if (_tooltipTimer != null) {
506            _tooltip = _tooltipTimer.getToolTip();
507            _tooltipTimer.stop();
508        }
509        if (_tooltip != null) {
510            _tooltipTimer = new ToolTipTimer(TOOLTIPDISMISSDELAY, this, null);
511            _tooltipTimer.setRepeats(false);
512            _tooltipTimer.start();
513        } else {
514            _tooltipTimer = null;
515        }
516        _targetPanel.repaint();
517    }
519    static class ToolTipTimer extends Timer {
521        ToolTip tooltip;
523        ToolTipTimer(int delay, ActionListener listener, ToolTip tip) {
524            super(delay, listener);
525            tooltip = tip;
526        }
528        ToolTip getToolTip() {
529            return tooltip;
530        }
531    }
533    /**
534     * Special internal class to allow drawing of layout to a JLayeredPane. This
535     * is the 'target' pane where the layout is displayed.
536     */
537    public class TargetPane extends JLayeredPane {
539        int h = 100;
540        int w = 150;
542        public TargetPane() {
543            setLayout(null);
544        }
546        @Override
547        public void setSize(int width, int height) {
548//            log.debug("size now w={}, h={}", width, height);
549            this.h = height;
550            this.w = width;
551            super.setSize(width, height);
552        }
554        @Override
555        public Dimension getSize() {
556            return new Dimension(w, h);
557        }
559        @Override
560        public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
561            return new Dimension(w, h);
562        }
564        @Override
565        public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
566            return getPreferredSize();
567        }
569        @Override
570        public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
571            return getPreferredSize();
572        }
574        @Override
575        public Component add(@Nonnull Component c, int i) {
576            int hnew = Math.max(this.h, c.getLocation().y + c.getSize().height);
577            int wnew = Math.max(this.w, c.getLocation().x + c.getSize().width);
578            if (hnew > h || wnew > w) {
579//                log.debug("size was {},{} - i ={}", w, h, i);
580                setSize(wnew, hnew);
581            }
582            return super.add(c, i);
583        }
585        @Override
586        public void add(@Nonnull Component c, Object o) {
587            super.add(c, o);
588            int hnew = Math.max(h, c.getLocation().y + c.getSize().height);
589            int wnew = Math.max(w, c.getLocation().x + c.getSize().width);
590            if (hnew > h || wnew > w) {
591                // log.debug("adding of {} with Object - i=", c.getSize(), o);
592                setSize(wnew, hnew);
593            }
594        }
596        private Color _highlightColor = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
597        private Color _selectGroupColor = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
598        private Color _selectRectColor = Color.red;
599        private transient Stroke _selectRectStroke = DASHED_LINE;
601        public void setHighlightColor(Color color) {
602            _highlightColor = color;
603        }
605        public Color getHighlightColor() {
606            return _highlightColor;
607        }
609        public void setSelectGroupColor(Color color) {
610            _selectGroupColor = color;
611        }
613        public void setSelectRectColor(Color color) {
614            _selectRectColor = color;
615        }
617        public void setSelectRectStroke(Stroke stroke) {
618            _selectRectStroke = stroke;
619        }
621        public void setDefaultColors() {
622            _highlightColor = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
623            _selectGroupColor = HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
624            _selectRectColor = Color.red;
625            _selectRectStroke = DASHED_LINE;
626        }
628        @Override
629        public void paint(Graphics g) {
630            Graphics2D g2d = null;
631            if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
632                g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
633                g2d.scale(_paintScale, _paintScale);
634            }
635            super.paint(g);
637            Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke();
638            if (g2d != null) {
639                stroke = g2d.getStroke();
640            }
641            Color color = g.getColor();
642            if (_selectRect != null) {
643                //Draw a rectangle on top of the image.
644                if (g2d != null) {
645                    g2d.setStroke(_selectRectStroke);
646                }
647                g.setColor(_selectRectColor);
648                g.drawRect(_selectRect.x, _selectRect.y, _selectRect.width, _selectRect.height);
649            }
650            if (_selectionGroup != null) {
651                g.setColor(_selectGroupColor);
652                if (g2d != null) {
653                    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f));
654                }
655                for (Positionable p : _selectionGroup) {
656                    if (p != null) {
657                        if (!(p instanceof PositionableShape)) {
658                            g.drawRect(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.maxWidth(), p.maxHeight());
659                        } else {
660                            PositionableShape s = (PositionableShape) p;
661                            s.drawHandles();
662                        }
663                    }
664                }
665            }
666            //Draws a border around the highlighted component
667            if (_highlightcomponent != null) {
668                g.setColor(_highlightColor);
669                if (g2d != null) {
670                    g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f));
671                }
672                g.drawRect(_highlightcomponent.x, _highlightcomponent.y,
673                        _highlightcomponent.width, _highlightcomponent.height);
674            }
675            paintTargetPanel(g);
677            g.setColor(color);
678            if (g2d != null) {
679                g2d.setStroke(stroke);
680            }
681            if (_tooltip != null) {
682                _tooltip.paint(g2d, _paintScale);
683            }
684        }
686        public void setBackgroundColor(Color col) {
687            setBackground(col);
688            setOpaque(true);
689            JmriColorChooser.addRecentColor(col);
690        }
692        public void clearBackgroundColor() {
693            setOpaque(false);
694        }
696        public Color getBackgroundColor() {
697            if (isOpaque()) {
698                return getBackground();
699            }
700            return null;
701        }
702    }
704    private void setScrollbarScale(double ratio) {
705        //resize the panel to reflect scaling
706        Dimension dim = _targetPanel.getSize();
707        int tpWidth = (int) ((dim.width) * ratio);
708        int tpHeight = (int) ((dim.height) * ratio);
709        _targetPanel.setSize(tpWidth, tpHeight);
710        log.debug("setScrollbarScale: ratio= {}, tpWidth= {}, tpHeight= {}", ratio, tpWidth, tpHeight);
711        // compute new scroll bar positions to keep upper left same
712        JScrollBar horScroll = _panelScrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
713        JScrollBar vertScroll = _panelScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
714        int hScroll = (int) (horScroll.getValue() * ratio);
715        int vScroll = (int) (vertScroll.getValue() * ratio);
716        // set scrollbars maximum range (otherwise setValue may fail);
717        horScroll.setMaximum((int) ((horScroll.getMaximum()) * ratio));
718        vertScroll.setMaximum((int) ((vertScroll.getMaximum()) * ratio));
719        // set scroll bar positions
720        horScroll.setValue(hScroll);
721        vertScroll.setValue(vScroll);
722    }
724    /*
725     * ********************** Options setup *********************
726     */
727    /**
728     * Control whether target panel items are editable. Does this by invoke the
729     * {@link Positionable#setEditable(boolean)} function of each item on the
730     * target panel. This also controls the relevant pop-up menu items (which
731     * are the primary way that items are edited).
732     *
733     * @param state true for editable.
734     */
735    public void setAllEditable(boolean state) {
736        _editable = state;
737        for (Positionable _content : _contents) {
738            _content.setEditable(state);
739        }
740        if (!_editable) {
741            _highlightcomponent = null;
742            deselectSelectionGroup();
743        }
744    }
746    public void deselectSelectionGroup() {
747        if (_selectionGroup == null) {
748            return;
749        }
750        for (Positionable p : _selectionGroup) {
751            if (p instanceof PositionableShape) {
752                PositionableShape s = (PositionableShape) p;
753                s.removeHandles();
754            }
755        }
756        _selectionGroup = null;
757    }
759    // accessor routines for persistent information
760    public boolean isEditable() {
761        return _editable;
762    }
764    /**
765     * Set which flag should be used, global or local for Positioning and
766     * Control of individual items. Items call getFlag() to return the
767     * appropriate flag it should use.
768     *
769     * @param set True if global flags should be used for positioning.
770     */
771    public void setUseGlobalFlag(boolean set) {
772        _useGlobalFlag = set;
773    }
775    public boolean useGlobalFlag() {
776        return _useGlobalFlag;
777    }
779    /**
780     * Get the setting for the specified option.
781     *
782     * @param whichOption The option to get
783     * @param localFlag   is the current setting of the item
784     * @return The setting for the option
785     */
786    public boolean getFlag(int whichOption, boolean localFlag) {
787        //log.debug("getFlag Option= {}, _useGlobalFlag={} localFlag={}", whichOption, _useGlobalFlag, localFlag);
788        if (_useGlobalFlag) {
789            switch (whichOption) {
790                case OPTION_POSITION:
791                    return _positionable;
792                case OPTION_CONTROLS:
793                    return _controlLayout;
794                case OPTION_HIDDEN:
795                    return _showHidden;
796                case OPTION_TOOLTIP:
797                    return _showToolTip;
798//                case OPTION_COORDS:
799//                    return _showCoordinates;
800                default:
801                    log.warn("Unhandled which option code: {}", whichOption);
802                    break;
803            }
804        }
805        return localFlag;
806    }
808    /**
809     * Set if {@link #setAllControlling(boolean)} and
810     * {@link #setAllPositionable(boolean)} are set for existing as well as new
811     * items.
812     *
813     * @param set true if setAllControlling() and setAllPositionable() are set
814     *            for existing items
815     */
816    public void setGlobalSetsLocalFlag(boolean set) {
817        _globalSetsLocal = set;
818    }
820    /**
821     * Control whether panel items can be positioned. Markers can always be
822     * positioned.
823     *
824     * @param state true to set all items positionable; false otherwise
825     */
826    public void setAllPositionable(boolean state) {
827        _positionable = state;
828        if (_globalSetsLocal) {
829            for (Positionable p : _contents) {
830                // don't allow backgrounds to be set positionable by global flag
831                if (!state || p.getDisplayLevel() != BKG) {
832                    p.setPositionable(state);
833                }
834            }
835        }
836    }
838    public boolean allPositionable() {
839        return _positionable;
840    }
842    /**
843     * Control whether target panel items are controlling layout items.
844     * <p>
845     * Does this by invoking the {@link Positionable#setControlling} function of
846     * each item on the target panel. This also controls the relevant pop-up
847     * menu items.
848     *
849     * @param state true for controlling.
850     */
851    public void setAllControlling(boolean state) {
852        _controlLayout = state;
853        if (_globalSetsLocal) {
854            for (Positionable _content : _contents) {
855                _content.setControlling(state);
856            }
857        }
858    }
860    public boolean allControlling() {
861        return _controlLayout;
862    }
864    /**
865     * Control whether target panel hidden items are visible or not. Does this
866     * by invoke the {@link Positionable#setHidden} function of each item on the
867     * target panel.
868     *
869     * @param state true for Visible.
870     */
871    public void setShowHidden(boolean state) {
872        _showHidden = state;
873        if (_showHidden) {
874            for (Positionable _content : _contents) {
875                _content.setVisible(true);
876            }
877        } else {
878            for (Positionable _content : _contents) {
879                _content.showHidden();
880            }
881        }
882    }
884    public boolean showHidden() {
885        return _showHidden;
886    }
888    public void setAllShowToolTip(boolean state) {
889        _showToolTip = state;
890        for (Positionable _content : _contents) {
891            _content.setShowToolTip(state);
892        }
893    }
895    public boolean showToolTip() {
896        return _showToolTip;
897    }
899    /*
900     * Control whether target panel items will show their coordinates in their
901     * popup menu.
902     *
903     * @param state true for show coordinates.
904     */
905 /*
906     public void setShowCoordinates(boolean state) {
907     _showCoordinates = state;
908     for (int i = 0; i<_contents.size(); i++) {
909     _contents.get(i).setViewCoordinates(state);
910     }
911     }
912     public boolean showCoordinates() {
913     return _showCoordinates;
914     }
915     */
917    /**
918     * Hide or show menus on the target panel.
919     *
920     * @param state true to show menus; false to hide menus
921     * @since 3.9.5
922     */
923    public void setPanelMenuVisible(boolean state) {
924        this.panelMenuIsVisible = state;
925        if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() && this._targetFrame != null) {
926            _targetFrame.getJMenuBar().setVisible(state);
927            this.revalidate();
928        }
929    }
931    /**
932     * Is the menu on the target panel shown?
933     *
934     * @return true if menu is visible
935     * @since 3.9.5
936     */
937    public boolean isPanelMenuVisible() {
938        if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() && this._targetFrame != null) {
939            this.panelMenuIsVisible = _targetFrame.getJMenuBar().isVisible();
940        }
941        return this.panelMenuIsVisible;
942    }
944    protected void setScroll(int state) {
945        log.debug("setScroll {}", state);
946        switch (state) {
947            case SCROLL_NONE:
948                _panelScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
949                _panelScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
950                break;
951            case SCROLL_BOTH:
952                _panelScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
953                _panelScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
954                break;
955            case SCROLL_HORIZONTAL:
956                _panelScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
957                _panelScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
958                break;
959            case SCROLL_VERTICAL:
960                _panelScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
961                _panelScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
962                break;
963            default:
964                log.warn("Unexpected  setScroll state of {}", state);
965                break;
966        }
967        _scrollState = state;
968    }
970    public void setScroll(String strState) {
971        int state = SCROLL_BOTH;
972        if (strState.equalsIgnoreCase("none") || strState.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
973            state = SCROLL_NONE;
974        } else if (strState.equals("horizontal")) {
975            state = SCROLL_HORIZONTAL;
976        } else if (strState.equals("vertical")) {
977            state = SCROLL_VERTICAL;
978        }
979        log.debug("setScroll: strState= {}, state= {}", strState, state);
980        setScroll(state);
981    }
983    public String getScrollable() {
984        String value = "";
985        switch (_scrollState) {
986            case SCROLL_NONE:
987                value = "none";
988                break;
989            case SCROLL_BOTH:
990                value = "both";
991                break;
992            case SCROLL_HORIZONTAL:
993                value = "horizontal";
994                break;
995            case SCROLL_VERTICAL:
996                value = "vertical";
997                break;
998            default:
999                log.warn("Unexpected _scrollState of {}", _scrollState);
1000                break;
1001        }
1002        return value;
1003    }
1004    /*
1005     * *********************** end Options setup **********************
1006     */
1007    /*
1008     * Handle closing (actually hiding due to HIDE_ON_CLOSE) the target window.
1009     * <p>
1010     * The target window has been requested to close, don't delete it at this
1011     * time. Deletion must be accomplished via the Delete this panel menu item.
1012     */
1013    protected void targetWindowClosing() {
1014        String name = "Panel";
1015        Container ancestor = _targetPanel.getTopLevelAncestor();
1016        if (ancestor instanceof JFrame) {
1017            name = ((JFrame) ancestor).getTitle();
1018        }
1019        if (!InstanceManager.getDefault(ShutDownManager.class).isShuttingDown()) {
1020            InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.UserPreferencesManager.class).showInfoMessage(
1021                    Bundle.getMessage("PanelHideTitle"), Bundle.getMessage("PanelHideNotice", name),  // NOI18N
1022                    "jmri.jmrit.display.EditorManager", "skipHideDialog"); // NOI18N
1023            InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.UserPreferencesManager.class).setPreferenceItemDetails(
1024                    "jmri.jmrit.display.EditorManager", "skipHideDialog", Bundle.getMessage("PanelHideSkip"));  // NOI18N
1025        }
1026    }
1028    protected Editor changeView(String className) {
1029        JFrame frame = getTargetFrame();
1031        try {
1032            Editor ed = (Editor) Class.forName(className).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
1034            ed.setName(getName());
1035            ed.init(getName());
1037            ed._contents = new ArrayList<>(_contents);
1038            ed._idContents = new HashMap<>(_idContents);
1039            ed._classContents = new HashMap<>(_classContents);
1041            for (Positionable p : _contents) {
1042                p.setEditor(ed);
1043                ed.addToTarget(p);
1044                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
1045                    log.debug("changeView: {} addToTarget class= {}", p.getNameString(), p.getClass().getName());
1046                }
1047            }
1048            ed.setAllEditable(isEditable());
1049            //ed.setAllPositionable(allPositionable());
1050            //ed.setShowCoordinates(showCoordinates());
1051            ed.setAllShowToolTip(showToolTip());
1052            //ed.setAllControlling(allControlling());
1053            ed.setShowHidden(isVisible());
1054            ed.setPanelMenuVisible(frame.getJMenuBar().isVisible());
1055            ed.setScroll(getScrollable());
1056            ed.setTitle();
1057            ed.setBackgroundColor(getBackgroundColor());
1058            ed.getTargetFrame().setLocation(frame.getLocation());
1059            ed.getTargetFrame().setSize(frame.getSize());
1060            ed.setSize(getSize());
1061//            ed.pack();
1062            ed.setVisible(true);
1063            dispose();
1064            return ed;
1065        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException cnfe) {
1066            log.error("changeView exception {}", cnfe.toString());
1067        }
1068        return null;
1069    }
1071    /*
1072     * *********************** Popup Item Methods **********************
1073     *
1074     * These methods are to be called from the editor view's showPopUp method
1075     */
1076    /**
1077     * Add a checkbox to lock the position of the Positionable item.
1078     *
1079     * @param p     the item
1080     * @param popup the menu to add the lock menu item to
1081     */
1082    public void setPositionableMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1083        JCheckBoxMenuItem lockItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("LockPosition"));
1084        lockItem.setSelected(!p.isPositionable());
1085        lockItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1086            Positionable comp;
1087            JCheckBoxMenuItem checkBox;
1089            @Override
1090            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1091                comp.setPositionable(!checkBox.isSelected());
1092                setSelectionsPositionable(!checkBox.isSelected(), comp);
1093            }
1095            ActionListener init(Positionable pos, JCheckBoxMenuItem cb) {
1096                comp = pos;
1097                checkBox = cb;
1098                return this;
1099            }
1100        }.init(p, lockItem));
1101        popup.add(lockItem);
1102    }
1104    /**
1105     * Display the {@literal X & Y} coordinates of the Positionable item and
1106     * provide a dialog menu item to edit them.
1107     *
1108     * @param p     The item to add the menu item to
1109     * @param popup The menu item to add the action to
1110     * @return always returns true
1111     */
1112    public boolean setShowCoordinatesMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1113        //if (showCoordinates()) {
1114        JMenuItem edit;
1115        if ((p instanceof MemoryOrGVIcon) && (p.getPopupUtility().getFixedWidth() == 0)) {
1116            MemoryOrGVIcon pm = (MemoryOrGVIcon) p;
1118            edit = new JMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage(
1119                "EditLocationXY", pm.getOriginalX(), pm.getOriginalY()));
1121            edit.addActionListener(MemoryIconCoordinateEdit.getCoordinateEditAction(pm));
1122        } else {
1123            edit = new JMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage(
1124                "EditLocationXY", p.getX(), p.getY()));
1125            edit.addActionListener(CoordinateEdit.getCoordinateEditAction(p));
1126        }
1127        popup.add(edit);
1128        return true;
1129        //}
1130        //return false;
1131    }
1133    /**
1134     * Offer actions to align the selected Positionable items either
1135     * Horizontally (at average y coordinates) or Vertically (at average x
1136     * coordinates).
1137     *
1138     * @param p     The positionable item
1139     * @param popup The menu to add entries to
1140     * @return true if entries added to menu
1141     */
1142    public boolean setShowAlignmentMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1143        if (showAlignPopup(p)) {
1144            JMenu edit = new JMenu(Bundle.getMessage("EditAlignment"));
1145            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignX")) {
1146                int _x;
1148                @Override
1149                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1150                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1151                        return;
1152                    }
1153                    for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
1154                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1155                            continue;
1156                        }
1157                        comp.setLocation(_x, comp.getY());
1158                    }
1159                }
1161                AbstractAction init(int x) {
1162                    _x = x;
1163                    return this;
1164                }
1165            }.init(p.getX()));
1166            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignMiddleX")) {
1167                int _x;
1169                @Override
1170                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1171                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1172                        return;
1173                    }
1174                    for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
1175                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1176                            continue;
1177                        }
1178                        comp.setLocation(_x - comp.getWidth() / 2, comp.getY());
1179                    }
1180                }
1182                AbstractAction init(int x) {
1183                    _x = x;
1184                    return this;
1185                }
1186            }.init(p.getX() + p.getWidth() / 2));
1187            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignOtherX")) {
1188                int _x;
1190                @Override
1191                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1192                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1193                        return;
1194                    }
1195                    for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
1196                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1197                            continue;
1198                        }
1199                        comp.setLocation(_x - comp.getWidth(), comp.getY());
1200                    }
1201                }
1203                AbstractAction init(int x) {
1204                    _x = x;
1205                    return this;
1206                }
1207            }.init(p.getX() + p.getWidth()));
1208            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignY")) {
1209                int _y;
1211                @Override
1212                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1213                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1214                        return;
1215                    }
1216                    for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
1217                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1218                            continue;
1219                        }
1220                        comp.setLocation(comp.getX(), _y);
1221                    }
1222                }
1224                AbstractAction init(int y) {
1225                    _y = y;
1226                    return this;
1227                }
1228            }.init(p.getY()));
1229            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignMiddleY")) {
1230                int _y;
1232                @Override
1233                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1234                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1235                        return;
1236                    }
1237                    for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
1238                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1239                            continue;
1240                        }
1241                        comp.setLocation(comp.getX(), _y - comp.getHeight() / 2);
1242                    }
1243                }
1245                AbstractAction init(int y) {
1246                    _y = y;
1247                    return this;
1248                }
1249            }.init(p.getY() + p.getHeight() / 2));
1250            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignOtherY")) {
1251                int _y;
1253                @Override
1254                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1255                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1256                        return;
1257                    }
1258                    for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
1259                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1260                            continue;
1261                        }
1262                        comp.setLocation(comp.getX(), _y - comp.getHeight());
1263                    }
1264                }
1266                AbstractAction init(int y) {
1267                    _y = y;
1268                    return this;
1269                }
1270            }.init(p.getY() + p.getHeight()));
1271            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignXFirst")) {
1273                @Override
1274                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1275                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1276                        return;
1277                    }
1278                    int x = _selectionGroup.get(0).getX();
1279                    for (int i = 1; i < _selectionGroup.size(); i++) {
1280                        Positionable comp = _selectionGroup.get(i);
1281                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1282                            continue;
1283                        }
1284                        comp.setLocation(x, comp.getY());
1285                    }
1286                }
1287            });
1288            edit.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("AlignYFirst")) {
1290                @Override
1291                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1292                    if (_selectionGroup == null) {
1293                        return;
1294                    }
1295                    int y = _selectionGroup.get(0).getX();
1296                    for (int i = 1; i < _selectionGroup.size(); i++) {
1297                        Positionable comp = _selectionGroup.get(i);
1298                        if (!getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, comp.isPositionable())) {
1299                            continue;
1300                        }
1301                        comp.setLocation(comp.getX(), y);
1302                    }
1303                }
1304            });
1305            popup.add(edit);
1306            return true;
1307        }
1308        return false;
1309    }
1311    /**
1312     * Display 'z' level of the Positionable item and provide a dialog
1313     * menu item to edit it.
1314     *
1315     * @param p     The item
1316     * @param popup the menu to add entries to
1317     */
1318    public void setDisplayLevelMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1319        JMenuItem edit = new JMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("EditLevel_", p.getDisplayLevel()));
1320        edit.addActionListener(CoordinateEdit.getLevelEditAction(p));
1321        popup.add(edit);
1322    }
1324    /**
1325     * Add a menu entry to set visibility of the Positionable item
1326     *
1327     * @param p     the item
1328     * @param popup the menu to add the entry to
1329     */
1330    public void setHiddenMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1331        if (p.getDisplayLevel() == BKG) {
1332            return;
1333        }
1334        JCheckBoxMenuItem hideItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("SetHidden"));
1335        hideItem.setSelected(p.isHidden());
1336        hideItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1337            Positionable comp;
1338            JCheckBoxMenuItem checkBox;
1340            @Override
1341            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1342                comp.setHidden(checkBox.isSelected());
1343                setSelectionsHidden(checkBox.isSelected(), comp);
1344            }
1346            ActionListener init(Positionable pos, JCheckBoxMenuItem cb) {
1347                comp = pos;
1348                checkBox = cb;
1349                return this;
1350            }
1351        }.init(p, hideItem));
1352        popup.add(hideItem);
1353    }
1355    /**
1356     * Add a menu entry to set visibility of the Positionable item based on the presence of contents.
1357     * If the value is null or empty, the icon is not visible.
1358     * This is applicable to memory,  block content and LogixNG global variable labels.
1359     *
1360     * @param p     the item
1361     * @param popup the menu to add the entry to
1362     */
1363    public void setEmptyHiddenMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1364        if (p.getDisplayLevel() == BKG) {
1365            return;
1366        }
1367        if (p instanceof BlockContentsIcon || p instanceof MemoryIcon || p instanceof GlobalVariableIcon) {
1368            JCheckBoxMenuItem hideEmptyItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("SetEmptyHidden"));
1369            hideEmptyItem.setSelected(p.isEmptyHidden());
1370            hideEmptyItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1371                Positionable comp;
1372                JCheckBoxMenuItem checkBox;
1374                @Override
1375                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1376                    comp.setEmptyHidden(checkBox.isSelected());
1377                }
1379                ActionListener init(Positionable pos, JCheckBoxMenuItem cb) {
1380                    comp = pos;
1381                    checkBox = cb;
1382                    return this;
1383                }
1384            }.init(p, hideEmptyItem));
1385            popup.add(hideEmptyItem);
1386        }
1387    }
1389    /**
1390     * Add a menu entry to edit Id of the Positionable item
1391     *
1392     * @param p     the item
1393     * @param popup the menu to add the entry to
1394     */
1395    public void setEditIdMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1396        if (p.getDisplayLevel() == BKG) {
1397            return;
1398        }
1400        popup.add(CoordinateEdit.getIdEditAction(p, "EditId", this));
1401    }
1403    /**
1404     * Add a menu entry to edit Classes of the Positionable item
1405     *
1406     * @param p     the item
1407     * @param popup the menu to add the entry to
1408     */
1409    public void setEditClassesMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1410        if (p.getDisplayLevel() == BKG) {
1411            return;
1412        }
1414        popup.add(CoordinateEdit.getClassesEditAction(p, "EditClasses", this));
1415    }
1417    /**
1418     * Check if edit of a conditional is in progress.
1419     *
1420     * @return true if this is the case, after showing dialog to user
1421     */
1422    private boolean checkEditConditionalNG() {
1423        if (_inEditInlineLogixNGMode) {
1424            // Already editing a LogixNG, ask for completion of that edit
1425            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
1426                    Bundle.getMessage("Error_InlineLogixNGInEditMode"), // NOI18N
1427                    Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), // NOI18N
1428                    JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1429            _inlineLogixNGEdit.bringToFront();
1430            return true;
1431        }
1432        return false;
1433    }
1435    /**
1436     * Add a menu entry to edit Id of the Positionable item
1437     *
1438     * @param p     the item
1439     * @param popup the menu to add the entry to
1440     */
1441    public void setLogixNGPositionableMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1442        if (p.getDisplayLevel() == BKG) {
1443            return;
1444        }
1446        JMenu logixNG_Menu = new JMenu("LogixNG");
1447        popup.add(logixNG_Menu);
1449        logixNG_Menu.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("LogixNG_Inline")) {
1450            @Override
1451            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1452                if (checkEditConditionalNG()) return;
1454                if (p.getLogixNG() == null) {
1455                    LogixNG logixNG = InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNG_Manager.class)
1456                            .createLogixNG(null, true);
1457                    logixNG.setInlineLogixNG(p);
1458                    logixNG.activate();
1459                    logixNG.setEnabled(true);
1460                    logixNG.clearStartup();
1461                    p.setLogixNG(logixNG);
1462                }
1463                LogixNGEditor logixNGEditor = new LogixNGEditor(null, p.getLogixNG().getSystemName());
1464                logixNGEditor.addEditorEventListener((HashMap<String, String> data) -> {
1465                    _inEditInlineLogixNGMode = false;
1466                    data.forEach((key, value) -> {
1467                        if (key.equals("Finish")) {                  // NOI18N
1468                            _inlineLogixNGEdit = null;
1469                            _inEditInlineLogixNGMode = false;
1470                        } else if (key.equals("Delete")) {           // NOI18N
1471                            _inEditInlineLogixNGMode = false;
1472                            deleteLogixNG(p.getLogixNG());
1473                        } else if (key.equals("chgUname")) {         // NOI18N
1474                            p.getLogixNG().setUserName(value);
1475                        }
1476                    });
1477                    if (p.getLogixNG() != null && p.getLogixNG().getNumConditionalNGs() == 0) {
1478                        deleteLogixNG_Internal(p.getLogixNG());
1479                    }
1480                });
1481                logixNGEditor.bringToFront();
1482                _inEditInlineLogixNGMode = true;
1483                _inlineLogixNGEdit = logixNGEditor;
1484            }
1485        });
1486    }
1488    private void deleteLogixNG(LogixNG logixNG) {
1489        DeleteBean<LogixNG> deleteBean = new DeleteBean<>(
1490                InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNG_Manager.class));
1492        boolean hasChildren = logixNG.getNumConditionalNGs() > 0;
1494        deleteBean.delete(logixNG, hasChildren, (t)->{deleteLogixNG_Internal(t);},
1495                (t,list)->{logixNG.getListenerRefsIncludingChildren(list);},
1496                jmri.jmrit.logixng.LogixNG_UserPreferences.class.getName());
1497    }
1499    private void deleteLogixNG_Internal(LogixNG logixNG) {
1500        logixNG.setEnabled(false);
1501        try {
1502            InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNG_Manager.class).deleteBean(logixNG, "DoDelete");
1503            logixNG.getInlineLogixNG().setLogixNG(null);
1504        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
1505            //At this stage the DoDelete shouldn't fail, as we have already done a can delete, which would trigger a veto
1506            log.error("{} : Could not Delete.", e.getMessage());
1507        }
1508    }
1510    /**
1511     * Check if it's possible to change the id of the Positionable to the
1512     * desired string.
1513     * @param p the Positionable
1514     * @param newId the desired new id
1515     * @throws jmri.jmrit.display.Positionable.DuplicateIdException if another
1516     *         Positionable in the editor already has this id
1517     */
1518    public void positionalIdChange(Positionable p, String newId)
1519            throws Positionable.DuplicateIdException {
1521        if (Objects.equals(newId, p.getId())) return;
1523        if ((newId != null) && (_idContents.containsKey(newId))) {
1524            throw new Positionable.DuplicateIdException();
1525        }
1527        if (p.getId() != null) _idContents.remove(p.getId());
1528        if (newId != null) _idContents.put(newId, p);
1529    }
1531    /**
1532     * Add a class name to the Positionable
1533     * @param p the Positionable
1534     * @param className the class name
1535     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name contains a comma
1536     */
1537    public void positionalAddClass(Positionable p, String className) {
1539        if (className == null) {
1540            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class name must not be null");
1541        }
1542        if (className.isBlank()) {
1543            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class name must not be blank");
1544        }
1545        if (className.contains(",")) {
1546            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class name must not contain a comma");
1547        }
1549        if (p.getClasses().contains(className)) return;
1551        _classContents.computeIfAbsent(className, o -> new HashSet<>()).add(p);
1552    }
1554    /**
1555     * Removes a class name from the Positionable
1556     * @param p the Positionable
1557     * @param className the class name
1558     */
1559    public void positionalRemoveClass(Positionable p, String className) {
1561        if (p.getClasses().contains(className)) return;
1563        _classContents.get(className).remove(p);
1564    }
1566    /**
1567     * Add a checkbox to display a tooltip for the Positionable item and if
1568     * showable, provide a dialog menu to edit it.
1569     *
1570     * @param p     the item to set the menu for
1571     * @param popup the menu to add for p
1572     */
1573    public void setShowToolTipMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1574        if (p.getDisplayLevel() == BKG) {
1575            return;
1576        }
1578        JMenu edit = new JMenu(Bundle.getMessage("EditTooltip"));
1580        JCheckBoxMenuItem showToolTipItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("ShowTooltip"));
1581        showToolTipItem.setSelected(p.showToolTip());
1582        showToolTipItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1583            Positionable comp;
1584            JCheckBoxMenuItem checkBox;
1586            @Override
1587            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1588                comp.setShowToolTip(checkBox.isSelected());
1589            }
1591            ActionListener init(Positionable pos, JCheckBoxMenuItem cb) {
1592                comp = pos;
1593                checkBox = cb;
1594                return this;
1595            }
1596        }.init(p, showToolTipItem));
1597        edit.add(showToolTipItem);
1599        edit.add(CoordinateEdit.getToolTipEditAction(p));
1601        JCheckBoxMenuItem prependToolTipWithDisplayNameItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("PrependTooltipWithDisplayName"));
1602        prependToolTipWithDisplayNameItem.setSelected(p.getToolTip().getPrependToolTipWithDisplayName());
1603        prependToolTipWithDisplayNameItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1604            Positionable comp;
1605            JCheckBoxMenuItem checkBox;
1607            @Override
1608            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1609                comp.getToolTip().setPrependToolTipWithDisplayName(checkBox.isSelected());
1610            }
1612            ActionListener init(Positionable pos, JCheckBoxMenuItem cb) {
1613                comp = pos;
1614                checkBox = cb;
1615                return this;
1616            }
1617        }.init(p, prependToolTipWithDisplayNameItem));
1618        edit.add(prependToolTipWithDisplayNameItem);
1620        popup.add(edit);
1621    }
1623    /**
1624     * Add an action to remove the Positionable item.
1625     *
1626     * @param p     the item to set the menu for
1627     * @param popup the menu to add for p
1628     */
1629    public void setRemoveMenu(Positionable p, JPopupMenu popup) {
1630        popup.add(new AbstractAction(Bundle.getMessage("Remove")) {
1631            Positionable comp;
1633            @Override
1634            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1635                comp.remove();
1636                removeSelections(comp);
1637            }
1639            AbstractAction init(Positionable pos) {
1640                comp = pos;
1641                return this;
1642            }
1643        }.init(p));
1644    }
1646    /*
1647     * *********************** End Popup Methods **********************
1648     */
1649 /*
1650     * ****************** Marker Menu ***************************
1651     */
1652    protected void locoMarkerFromRoster() {
1653        final JmriJFrame locoRosterFrame = new JmriJFrame();
1654        locoRosterFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
1655        locoRosterFrame.setTitle(Bundle.getMessage("LocoFromRoster"));
1656        JLabel mtext = new JLabel();
1657        mtext.setText(Bundle.getMessage("SelectLoco") + ":");
1658        locoRosterFrame.getContentPane().add(mtext);
1659        final RosterEntrySelectorPanel rosterBox = new RosterEntrySelectorPanel();
1660        rosterBox.addPropertyChangeListener("selectedRosterEntries", pce -> {
1661            if (rosterBox.getSelectedRosterEntries().length != 0) {
1662                selectLoco(rosterBox.getSelectedRosterEntries()[0]);
1663            }
1664        });
1665        locoRosterFrame.getContentPane().add(rosterBox);
1666        locoRosterFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
1667            @Override
1668            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
1669                locoRosterFrame.dispose();
1670            }
1671        });
1672        locoRosterFrame.pack();
1673        locoRosterFrame.setVisible(true);
1674    }
1676    protected LocoIcon selectLoco(String rosterEntryTitle) {
1677        if ("".equals(rosterEntryTitle)) {
1678            return null;
1679        }
1680        return selectLoco(Roster.getDefault().entryFromTitle(rosterEntryTitle));
1681    }
1683    protected LocoIcon selectLoco(RosterEntry entry) {
1684        LocoIcon l = null;
1685        if (entry == null) {
1686            return null;
1687        }
1688        // try getting road number, else use DCC address
1689        String rn = entry.getRoadNumber();
1690        if ((rn == null) || rn.equals("")) {
1691            rn = entry.getDccAddress();
1692        }
1693        if (rn != null) {
1694            l = addLocoIcon(rn);
1695            l.setRosterEntry(entry);
1696        }
1697        return l;
1698    }
1700    protected void locoMarkerFromInput() {
1701        final JmriJFrame locoFrame = new JmriJFrame();
1702        locoFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
1703        locoFrame.setTitle(Bundle.getMessage("EnterLocoMarker"));
1705        JLabel textId = new JLabel();
1706        textId.setText(Bundle.getMessage("LocoID") + ":");
1707        locoFrame.getContentPane().add(textId);
1709        final JTextField locoId = new JTextField(7);
1710        locoFrame.getContentPane().add(locoId);
1711        locoId.setText("");
1712        locoId.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("EnterLocoID"));
1713        JButton okay = new JButton();
1714        okay.setText(Bundle.getMessage("ButtonOK"));
1715        okay.addActionListener(e -> {
1716            String nameID = locoId.getText();
1717            if ((nameID != null) && !(nameID.trim().equals(""))) {
1718                addLocoIcon(nameID.trim());
1719            } else {
1720                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(locoFrame, Bundle.getMessage("ErrorEnterLocoID"),
1721                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorTitle"), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1722            }
1723        });
1724        locoFrame.getContentPane().add(okay);
1725        locoFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
1726            @Override
1727            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
1728                locoFrame.dispose();
1729            }
1730        });
1731        locoFrame.pack();
1732        if (_targetFrame != null) {
1733            locoFrame.setLocation(_targetFrame.getLocation());
1734        }
1735        locoFrame.setVisible(true);
1736    }
1738    /**
1739     * Remove marker icons from panel
1740     */
1741    protected void removeMarkers() {
1742        log.debug("Remove markers");
1743        for (int i = _contents.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1744            Positionable il = _contents.get(i);
1745            if (il instanceof LocoIcon) {
1746                il.remove();
1747                if (il.getId() != null) _idContents.remove(il.getId());
1748                for (String className : il.getClasses()) {
1749                    _classContents.get(className).remove(il);
1750                }
1751            }
1752        }
1753    }
1755    /*
1756     * *********************** End Marker Menu Methods **********************
1757     */
1758 /*
1759     * ************ Adding content to the panel **********************
1760     */
1761    public PositionableLabel setUpBackground(String name) {
1762        NamedIcon icon = NamedIcon.getIconByName(name);
1763        PositionableLabel l = new PositionableLabel(icon, this);
1764        l.setPopupUtility(null);        // no text
1765        l.setPositionable(false);
1766        l.setShowToolTip(false);
1767        l.setSize(icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight());
1768        l.setDisplayLevel(BKG);
1769        l.setLocation(getNextBackgroundLeft(), 0);
1770        try {
1771            putItem(l);
1772        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
1773            // This should never happen
1774            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
1775        }
1776        return l;
1777    }
1779    protected PositionableLabel addLabel(String text) {
1780        PositionableLabel l = new PositionableLabel(text, this);
1781        l.setSize(l.getPreferredSize().width, l.getPreferredSize().height);
1782        l.setDisplayLevel(LABELS);
1783        setNextLocation(l);
1784        try {
1785            putItem(l);
1786        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
1787            // This should never happen
1788            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
1789        }
1790        return l;
1791    }
1793    /**
1794     * Determine right side x of furthest right background
1795     */
1796    private int getNextBackgroundLeft() {
1797        int left = 0;
1798        // place to right of background images, if any
1799        for (Positionable p : _contents) {
1800            if (p instanceof PositionableLabel) {
1801                PositionableLabel l = (PositionableLabel) p;
1802                if (l.isBackground()) {
1803                    int test = l.getX() + l.maxWidth();
1804                    if (test > left) {
1805                        left = test;
1806                    }
1807                }
1808            }
1809        }
1810        return left;
1811    }
1813    /* Positionable has set a new level.  Editor must change it in the target panel.
1814     */
1815    public void displayLevelChange(Positionable l) {
1816        removeFromTarget(l);
1817        addToTarget(l);
1818    }
1820    public TrainIcon addTrainIcon(String name) {
1821        TrainIcon l = new TrainIcon(this);
1822        putLocoIcon(l, name);
1823        return l;
1824    }
1826    public LocoIcon addLocoIcon(String name) {
1827        LocoIcon l = new LocoIcon(this);
1828        putLocoIcon(l, name);
1829        return l;
1830    }
1832    public void putLocoIcon(LocoIcon l, String name) {
1833        l.setText(name);
1834        l.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER);
1835        l.setSize(l.getPreferredSize().width, l.getPreferredSize().height);
1836        l.setEditable(isEditable());    // match popup mode to editor mode
1837        try {
1838            putItem(l);
1839        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
1840            // This should never happen
1841            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
1842        }
1843    }
1845    public void putItem(Positionable l) throws Positionable.DuplicateIdException {
1846        l.invalidate();
1847        l.setPositionable(true);
1848        l.setVisible(true);
1849        if (l.getToolTip() == null) {
1850            l.setToolTip(new ToolTip(_defaultToolTip, l));
1851        }
1852        addToTarget(l);
1853        if (!_contents.add(l)) {
1854            log.error("Unable to add {} to _contents", l.getNameString());
1855        }
1856        if (l.getId() != null) {
1857            if (_idContents.containsKey(l.getId())) {
1858                throw new Positionable.DuplicateIdException();
1859            }
1860            _idContents.put(l.getId(), l);
1861        }
1862        for (String className : l.getClasses()) {
1863            _classContents.get(className).add(l);
1864        }
1865        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
1866            log.debug("putItem {} to _contents. level= {}", l.getNameString(), l.getDisplayLevel());
1867        }
1868    }
1870    protected void addToTarget(Positionable l) {
1871        JComponent c = (JComponent) l;
1872        c.invalidate();
1873        _targetPanel.remove(c);
1874        _targetPanel.add(c, Integer.valueOf(l.getDisplayLevel()));
1875        _targetPanel.moveToFront(c);
1876        c.repaint();
1877        _targetPanel.revalidate();
1878    }
1880    /*
1881     * ************ Icon editors for adding content ***********
1882     */
1883    static final String[] ICON_EDITORS = {"Sensor", "RightTurnout", "LeftTurnout",
1884        "SlipTOEditor", "SignalHead", "SignalMast", "Memory", "Light",
1885        "Reporter", "Background", "MultiSensor", "Icon", "Text", "Block Contents"};
1887    /**
1888     * Create editor for a given item type.
1889     * Paths to default icons are fixed in code. Compare to respective icon package,
1890     * eg. {@link #addSensorEditor()} and {@link SensorIcon}
1891     *
1892     * @param name Icon editor's name
1893     * @return a window
1894     */
1895    public JFrameItem getIconFrame(String name) {
1896        JFrameItem frame = _iconEditorFrame.get(name);
1897        if (frame == null) {
1898            if ("Sensor".equals(name)) {
1899                addSensorEditor();
1900            } else if ("RightTurnout".equals(name)) {
1901                addRightTOEditor();
1902            } else if ("LeftTurnout".equals(name)) {
1903                addLeftTOEditor();
1904            } else if ("SlipTOEditor".equals(name)) {
1905                addSlipTOEditor();
1906            } else if ("SignalHead".equals(name)) {
1907                addSignalHeadEditor();
1908            } else if ("SignalMast".equals(name)) {
1909                addSignalMastEditor();
1910            } else if ("Memory".equals(name)) {
1911                addMemoryEditor();
1912            } else if ("GlobalVariable".equals(name)) {
1913                addGlobalVariableEditor();
1914            } else if ("Reporter".equals(name)) {
1915                addReporterEditor();
1916            } else if ("Light".equals(name)) {
1917                addLightEditor();
1918            } else if ("Background".equals(name)) {
1919                addBackgroundEditor();
1920            } else if ("MultiSensor".equals(name)) {
1921                addMultiSensorEditor();
1922            } else if ("Icon".equals(name)) {
1923                addIconEditor();
1924            } else if ("Text".equals(name)) {
1925                addTextEditor();
1926            } else if ("BlockLabel".equals(name)) {
1927                addBlockContentsEditor();
1928            } else if ("Audio".equals(name)) {
1929                addAudioEditor();
1930            } else if ("LogixNG".equals(name)) {
1931                addLogixNGEditor();
1932            } else {
1933                // log.error("No such Icon Editor \"{}\"", name);
1934                return null;
1935            }
1936            // frame added in the above switch
1937            frame = _iconEditorFrame.get(name);
1939            if (frame == null) { // addTextEditor does not create a usable frame
1940                return null;
1941            }
1942            //frame.setLocationRelativeTo(this);
1943            frame.setLocation(frameLocationX, frameLocationY);
1944            frameLocationX += DELTA;
1945            frameLocationY += DELTA;
1946        }
1947        frame.setVisible(true);
1948        return frame;
1949    }
1950    public int frameLocationX = 0;
1951    public int frameLocationY = 0;
1952    static final int DELTA = 20;
1954    public IconAdder getIconEditor(String name) {
1955        return _iconEditorFrame.get(name).getEditor();
1956    }
1958    /**
1959     * Add a label to the target.
1960     */
1961    protected void addTextEditor() {
1962        String newLabel = JmriJOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, Bundle.getMessage("PromptNewLabel"),"");
1963        if (newLabel == null) {
1964            return;  // canceled
1965        }
1966        PositionableLabel l = addLabel(newLabel);
1967        // always allow new items to be moved
1968        l.setPositionable(true);
1969    }
1971    protected void addRightTOEditor() {
1972        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("RightTurnout");
1973        editor.setIcon(3, "TurnoutStateClosed",
1974                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-righthand-west-closed.gif");
1975        editor.setIcon(2, "TurnoutStateThrown",
1976                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-righthand-west-thrown.gif");
1977        editor.setIcon(0, "BeanStateInconsistent",
1978                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-righthand-west-error.gif");
1979        editor.setIcon(1, "BeanStateUnknown",
1980                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-righthand-west-unknown.gif");
1982        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("RightTurnout", true, true, editor);
1983        _iconEditorFrame.put("RightTurnout", frame);
1984        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.turnoutPickModelInstance());
1986        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> addTurnoutR();
1987        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
1988        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, true, false);
1989        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
1990    }
1992    protected void addLeftTOEditor() {
1993        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("LeftTurnout");
1994        editor.setIcon(3, "TurnoutStateClosed",
1995                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-lefthand-east-closed.gif");
1996        editor.setIcon(2, "TurnoutStateThrown",
1997                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-lefthand-east-thrown.gif");
1998        editor.setIcon(0, "BeanStateInconsistent",
1999                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-lefthand-east-error.gif");
2000        editor.setIcon(1, "BeanStateUnknown",
2001                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-lefthand-east-unknown.gif");
2003        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("LeftTurnout", true, true, editor);
2004        _iconEditorFrame.put("LeftTurnout", frame);
2005        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.turnoutPickModelInstance());
2007        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> addTurnoutL();
2008        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2009        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, true, false);
2010        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2011    }
2013    protected void addSlipTOEditor() {
2014        SlipIconAdder editor = new SlipIconAdder("SlipTOEditor");
2015        editor.setIcon(3, "LowerWestToUpperEast",
2016                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-slip-lower-west-upper-east.gif");
2017        editor.setIcon(2, "UpperWestToLowerEast",
2018                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-slip-upper-west-lower-east.gif");
2019        editor.setIcon(4, "LowerWestToLowerEast",
2020                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-slip-lower-west-lower-east.gif");
2021        editor.setIcon(5, "UpperWestToUpperEast",
2022                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-slip-upper-west-upper-east.gif");
2023        editor.setIcon(0, "BeanStateInconsistent",
2024                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-slip-error-full.gif");
2025        editor.setIcon(1, "BeanStateUnknown",
2026                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/os-slip-unknown-full.gif");
2027        editor.setTurnoutType(SlipTurnoutIcon.DOUBLESLIP);
2028        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("SlipTOEditor", true, true, editor);
2029        _iconEditorFrame.put("SlipTOEditor", frame);
2030        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.turnoutPickModelInstance());
2032        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> addSlip();
2033        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2034        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, true, false);
2035        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.SlipTurnoutIcon", true);
2036    }
2038    protected void addSensorEditor() {
2039        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Sensor");
2040        editor.setIcon(3, "SensorStateActive",
2041                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/circuit-occupied.gif");
2042        editor.setIcon(2, "SensorStateInactive",
2043                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/circuit-empty.gif");
2044        editor.setIcon(0, "BeanStateInconsistent",
2045                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/circuit-error.gif");
2046        editor.setIcon(1, "BeanStateUnknown",
2047                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/circuit-error.gif");
2049        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Sensor", true, true, editor);
2050        _iconEditorFrame.put("Sensor", frame);
2051        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.sensorPickModelInstance());
2053        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putSensor();
2054        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2055        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, true, false);
2056        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2057    }
2059    protected void addSignalHeadEditor() {
2060        IconAdder editor = getSignalHeadEditor();
2061        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("SignalHead", true, true, editor);
2062        _iconEditorFrame.put("SignalHead", frame);
2063        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.signalHeadPickModelInstance());
2065        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putSignalHead();
2066        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2067        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, false, false);
2068        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2069    }
2071    protected IconAdder getSignalHeadEditor() {
2072        // note that all these icons will be refreshed when user clicks a specific signal head in the table
2073        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("SignalHead");
2074        editor.setIcon(0, "SignalHeadStateRed",
2075                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-red-marker.gif");
2076        editor.setIcon(1, "SignalHeadStateYellow",
2077                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-yellow-marker.gif");
2078        editor.setIcon(2, "SignalHeadStateGreen",
2079                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-green-marker.gif");
2080        editor.setIcon(3, "SignalHeadStateDark",
2081                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-dark-marker.gif");
2082        editor.setIcon(4, "SignalHeadStateHeld",
2083                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-held-marker.gif");
2084        editor.setIcon(5, "SignalHeadStateLunar",
2085                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-lunar-marker.gif");
2086        editor.setIcon(6, "SignalHeadStateFlashingRed",
2087                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-flashred-marker.gif");
2088        editor.setIcon(7, "SignalHeadStateFlashingYellow",
2089                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-flashyellow-marker.gif");
2090        editor.setIcon(8, "SignalHeadStateFlashingGreen",
2091                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-flashgreen-marker.gif");
2092        editor.setIcon(9, "SignalHeadStateFlashingLunar",
2093                "resources/icons/smallschematics/searchlights/left-flashlunar-marker.gif");
2094        return editor;
2095    }
2097    protected void addSignalMastEditor() {
2098        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("SignalMast");
2100        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("SignalMast", true, true, editor);
2101        _iconEditorFrame.put("SignalMast", frame);
2102        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.signalMastPickModelInstance());
2104        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putSignalMast();
2105        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2106        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, false, false);
2107        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2108    }
2110    private final SpinnerNumberModel _spinCols = new SpinnerNumberModel(3, 1, 100, 1);
2112    protected void addMemoryEditor() {
2113        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Memory") {
2114            final JButton bSpin = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AddSpinner"));
2115            final JButton bBox = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AddInputBox"));
2116            final JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(_spinCols);
2118            @Override
2119            protected void addAdditionalButtons(JPanel p) {
2120                bSpin.addActionListener(a -> addMemorySpinner());
2121                JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
2122                //p1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
2123                bBox.addActionListener(a -> addMemoryInputBox());
2124                ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor) spinner.getEditor()).getTextField().setColumns(2);
2125                spinner.setMaximumSize(spinner.getPreferredSize());
2126                JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
2127                p2.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("NumColsLabel")));
2128                p2.add(spinner);
2129                p1.add(p2);
2130                p1.add(bBox);
2131                p.add(p1);
2132                p1 = new JPanel();
2133                p1.add(bSpin);
2134                p.add(p1);
2135            }
2137            @Override
2138            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
2139                super.valueChanged(e);
2140                bSpin.setEnabled(addIconIsEnabled());
2141                bBox.setEnabled(addIconIsEnabled());
2142            }
2143        };
2144        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putMemory();
2145        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Memory", true, true, editor);
2146        _iconEditorFrame.put("Memory", frame);
2147        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.memoryPickModelInstance());
2148        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2149        editor.complete(addIconAction, false, true, false);
2150        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2151    }
2153    protected void addGlobalVariableEditor() {
2154        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("GlobalVariable") {
2155            final JButton bSpin = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AddSpinner"));
2156            final JButton bBox = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AddInputBox"));
2157            final JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(_spinCols);
2159            @Override
2160            protected void addAdditionalButtons(JPanel p) {
2161                bSpin.addActionListener(a -> addGlobalVariableSpinner());
2162                JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
2163                //p1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
2164                bBox.addActionListener(a -> addGlobalVariableInputBox());
2165                ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor) spinner.getEditor()).getTextField().setColumns(2);
2166                spinner.setMaximumSize(spinner.getPreferredSize());
2167                JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
2168                p2.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("NumColsLabel")));
2169                p2.add(spinner);
2170                p1.add(p2);
2171                p1.add(bBox);
2172                p.add(p1);
2173                p1 = new JPanel();
2174                p1.add(bSpin);
2175                p.add(p1);
2176            }
2178            @Override
2179            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
2180                super.valueChanged(e);
2181                bSpin.setEnabled(addIconIsEnabled());
2182                bBox.setEnabled(addIconIsEnabled());
2183            }
2184        };
2185        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putGlobalVariable();
2186        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("GlobalVariable", true, true, editor);
2187        _iconEditorFrame.put("GlobalVariable", frame);
2188        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.globalVariablePickModelInstance());
2189        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2190        editor.complete(addIconAction, false, false, false);
2191        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2192    }
2194    protected void addBlockContentsEditor() {
2195        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Block Contents");
2196        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putBlockContents();
2197        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("BlockLabel", true, true, editor);
2198        _iconEditorFrame.put("BlockLabel", frame);
2199        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.blockPickModelInstance());
2200        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2201        editor.complete(addIconAction, false, true, false);
2202        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2203    }
2205    protected void addReporterEditor() {
2206        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Reporter");
2207        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> addReporter();
2208        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Reporter", true, true, editor);
2209        _iconEditorFrame.put("Reporter", frame);
2210        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.reporterPickModelInstance());
2211        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2212        editor.complete(addIconAction, false, true, false);
2213        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2214    }
2216    protected void addLightEditor() {
2217        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Light");
2218        editor.setIcon(3, "StateOff",
2219                "resources/icons/smallschematics/lights/cross-on.png");
2220        editor.setIcon(2, "StateOn",
2221                "resources/icons/smallschematics/lights/cross-off.png");
2222        editor.setIcon(0, "BeanStateInconsistent",
2223                "resources/icons/smallschematics/lights/cross-inconsistent.png");
2224        editor.setIcon(1, "BeanStateUnknown",
2225                "resources/icons/smallschematics/lights/cross-unknown.png");
2227        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Light", true, true, editor);
2228        _iconEditorFrame.put("Light", frame);
2229        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.lightPickModelInstance());
2231        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> addLight();
2232        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2233        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, true, false);
2234        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2235    }
2237    protected void addBackgroundEditor() {
2238        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Background");
2239        editor.setIcon(0, "background", "resources/PanelPro.gif");
2241        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Background", true, false, editor);
2242        _iconEditorFrame.put("Background", frame);
2244        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putBackground();
2245        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2246        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, false, false);
2247        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2248    }
2250    protected JFrameItem addMultiSensorEditor() {
2251        MultiSensorIconAdder editor = new MultiSensorIconAdder("MultiSensor");
2252        editor.setIcon(0, "BeanStateInconsistent",
2253                "resources/icons/USS/plate/levers/l-inconsistent.gif");
2254        editor.setIcon(1, "BeanStateUnknown",
2255                "resources/icons/USS/plate/levers/l-unknown.gif");
2256        editor.setIcon(2, "SensorStateInactive",
2257                "resources/icons/USS/plate/levers/l-inactive.gif");
2258        editor.setIcon(3, "MultiSensorPosition 0",
2259                "resources/icons/USS/plate/levers/l-left.gif");
2260        editor.setIcon(4, "MultiSensorPosition 1",
2261                "resources/icons/USS/plate/levers/l-vertical.gif");
2262        editor.setIcon(5, "MultiSensorPosition 2",
2263                "resources/icons/USS/plate/levers/l-right.gif");
2265        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("MultiSensor", true, false, editor);
2266        _iconEditorFrame.put("MultiSensor", frame);
2267        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.MultiSensorIconAdder", true);
2269        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.sensorPickModelInstance());
2271        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> addMultiSensor();
2272        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2273        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, true, false);
2274        return frame;
2275    }
2277    protected void addIconEditor() {
2278        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Icon");
2279        editor.setIcon(0, "plainIcon", "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/block.gif");
2280        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Icon", true, false, editor);
2281        _iconEditorFrame.put("Icon", frame);
2283        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putIcon();
2284        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2285        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, false, false);
2286        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2287    }
2289    protected void addAudioEditor() {
2290        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("Audio");
2291        editor.setIcon(0, "plainIcon", "resources/icons/audio_icon.gif");
2292        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("Audio", true, false, editor);
2293        _iconEditorFrame.put("Audio", frame);
2294        editor.setPickList(PickListModel.audioPickModelInstance());
2296        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putAudio();
2297        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2298        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, false, false);
2299        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2300    }
2302    protected void addLogixNGEditor() {
2303        IconAdder editor = new IconAdder("LogixNG");
2304        editor.setIcon(0, "plainIcon", "resources/icons/logixng/logixng_icon.gif");
2305        JFrameItem frame = makeAddIconFrame("LogixNG", true, false, editor);
2306        _iconEditorFrame.put("LogixNG", frame);
2308        ActionListener addIconAction = a -> putLogixNG();
2309        editor.makeIconPanel(true);
2310        editor.complete(addIconAction, true, false, false);
2311        frame.addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.display.IconAdder", true);
2312    }
2314    /*
2315     * ************** add content items from Icon Editors *******************
2316     */
2317    /**
2318     * Add a sensor indicator to the target.
2319     *
2320     * @return The sensor that was added to the panel.
2321     */
2322    protected SensorIcon putSensor() {
2323        SensorIcon result = new SensorIcon(new NamedIcon("resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/circuit-error.gif",
2324                "resources/icons/smallschematics/tracksegments/circuit-error.gif"), this);
2325        IconAdder editor = getIconEditor("Sensor");
2326        Hashtable<String, NamedIcon> map = editor.getIconMap();
2327        Enumeration<String> e = map.keys();
2328        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
2329            String key = e.nextElement();
2330            result.setIcon(key, map.get(key));
2331        }
2332//        l.setActiveIcon(editor.getIcon("SensorStateActive"));
2333//        l.setInactiveIcon(editor.getIcon("SensorStateInactive"));
2334//        l.setInconsistentIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateInconsistent"));
2335//        l.setUnknownIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateUnknown"));
2336        NamedBean b = editor.getTableSelection();
2337        if (b != null) {
2338            result.setSensor(b.getDisplayName());
2339        }
2340        result.setDisplayLevel(SENSORS);
2341        setNextLocation(result);
2342        try {
2343            putItem(result);
2344        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException ex) {
2345            // This should never happen
2346            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", ex);
2347        }
2348        return result;
2349    }
2351    /**
2352     * Add a turnout indicator to the target
2353     */
2354    void addTurnoutR() {
2355        IconAdder editor = getIconEditor("RightTurnout");
2356        addTurnout(editor);
2357    }
2359    void addTurnoutL() {
2360        IconAdder editor = getIconEditor("LeftTurnout");
2361        addTurnout(editor);
2362    }
2364    protected TurnoutIcon addTurnout(IconAdder editor) {
2365        TurnoutIcon result = new TurnoutIcon(this);
2366        result.setTurnout(editor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2367        Hashtable<String, NamedIcon> map = editor.getIconMap();
2368        Enumeration<String> e = map.keys();
2369        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
2370            String key = e.nextElement();
2371            result.setIcon(key, map.get(key));
2372        }
2373        result.setDisplayLevel(TURNOUTS);
2374        setNextLocation(result);
2375        try {
2376            putItem(result);
2377        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException ex) {
2378            // This should never happen
2379            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", ex);
2380        }
2381        return result;
2382    }
2384    @SuppressFBWarnings(value="BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST_OF_RETURN_VALUE", justification="iconEditor requested as exact type")
2385    SlipTurnoutIcon addSlip() {
2386        SlipTurnoutIcon result = new SlipTurnoutIcon(this);
2387        SlipIconAdder editor = (SlipIconAdder) getIconEditor("SlipTOEditor");
2388        result.setSingleSlipRoute(editor.getSingleSlipRoute());
2390        switch (editor.getTurnoutType()) {
2391            case SlipTurnoutIcon.DOUBLESLIP:
2392                result.setLowerWestToUpperEastIcon(editor.getIcon("LowerWestToUpperEast"));
2393                result.setUpperWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("UpperWestToLowerEast"));
2394                result.setLowerWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("LowerWestToLowerEast"));
2395                result.setUpperWestToUpperEastIcon(editor.getIcon("UpperWestToUpperEast"));
2396                break;
2397            case SlipTurnoutIcon.SINGLESLIP:
2398                result.setLowerWestToUpperEastIcon(editor.getIcon("LowerWestToUpperEast"));
2399                result.setUpperWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("UpperWestToLowerEast"));
2400                result.setLowerWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("Slip"));
2401                result.setSingleSlipRoute(editor.getSingleSlipRoute());
2402                break;
2403            case SlipTurnoutIcon.THREEWAY:
2404                result.setLowerWestToUpperEastIcon(editor.getIcon("Upper"));
2405                result.setUpperWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("Middle"));
2406                result.setLowerWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("Lower"));
2407                result.setSingleSlipRoute(editor.getSingleSlipRoute());
2408                break;
2409            case SlipTurnoutIcon.SCISSOR: //Scissor is the same as a Double for icon storing.
2410                result.setLowerWestToUpperEastIcon(editor.getIcon("LowerWestToUpperEast"));
2411                result.setUpperWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("UpperWestToLowerEast"));
2412                result.setLowerWestToLowerEastIcon(editor.getIcon("LowerWestToLowerEast"));
2413                //l.setUpperWestToUpperEastIcon(editor.getIcon("UpperWestToUpperEast"));
2414                break;
2415            default:
2416                log.warn("Unexpected addSlip editor.getTurnoutType() of {}", editor.getTurnoutType());
2417                break;
2418        }
2420        if ((editor.getTurnoutType() == SlipTurnoutIcon.SCISSOR) && (!editor.getSingleSlipRoute())) {
2421            result.setTurnout(editor.getTurnout("lowerwest").getName(), SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWERWEST);
2422            result.setTurnout(editor.getTurnout("lowereast").getName(), SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWEREAST);
2423        }
2424        result.setInconsistentIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateInconsistent"));
2425        result.setUnknownIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateUnknown"));
2426        result.setTurnoutType(editor.getTurnoutType());
2427        result.setTurnout(editor.getTurnout("west").getName(), SlipTurnoutIcon.WEST);
2428        result.setTurnout(editor.getTurnout("east").getName(), SlipTurnoutIcon.EAST);
2429        result.setDisplayLevel(TURNOUTS);
2430        setNextLocation(result);
2431        try {
2432            putItem(result);
2433        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2434            // This should never happen
2435            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2436        }
2437        return result;
2438    }
2440    /**
2441     * Add a signal head to the target.
2442     *
2443     * @return The signal head that was added to the target.
2444     */
2445    protected SignalHeadIcon putSignalHead() {
2446        SignalHeadIcon result = new SignalHeadIcon(this);
2447        IconAdder editor = getIconEditor("SignalHead");
2448        result.setSignalHead(editor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2449        Hashtable<String, NamedIcon> map = editor.getIconMap();
2450        Enumeration<String> e = map.keys();
2451        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
2452            String key = e.nextElement();
2453            result.setIcon(key, map.get(key));
2454        }
2455        result.setDisplayLevel(SIGNALS);
2456        setNextLocation(result);
2457        try {
2458            putItem(result);
2459        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException ex) {
2460            // This should never happen
2461            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", ex);
2462        }
2463        return result;
2464    }
2466    /**
2467     * Add a signal mast to the target.
2468     *
2469     * @return The signal mast that was added to the target.
2470     */
2471    protected SignalMastIcon putSignalMast() {
2472        SignalMastIcon result = new SignalMastIcon(this);
2473        IconAdder editor = _iconEditorFrame.get("SignalMast").getEditor();
2474        result.setSignalMast(editor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2475        result.setDisplayLevel(SIGNALS);
2476        setNextLocation(result);
2477        try {
2478            putItem(result);
2479        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2480            // This should never happen
2481            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2482        }
2483        return result;
2484    }
2486    protected MemoryIcon putMemory() {
2487        MemoryIcon result = new MemoryIcon(new NamedIcon("resources/icons/misc/X-red.gif",
2488                "resources/icons/misc/X-red.gif"), this);
2489        IconAdder memoryIconEditor = getIconEditor("Memory");
2490        result.setMemory(memoryIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2491        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2492        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2493        setNextLocation(result);
2494        try {
2495            putItem(result);
2496        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2497            // This should never happen
2498            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2499        }
2500        return result;
2501    }
2503    protected MemorySpinnerIcon addMemorySpinner() {
2504        MemorySpinnerIcon result = new MemorySpinnerIcon(this);
2505        IconAdder memoryIconEditor = getIconEditor("Memory");
2506        result.setMemory(memoryIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2507        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2508        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2509        setNextLocation(result);
2510        try {
2511            putItem(result);
2512        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2513            // This should never happen
2514            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2515        }
2516        return result;
2517    }
2519    protected MemoryInputIcon addMemoryInputBox() {
2520        MemoryInputIcon result = new MemoryInputIcon(_spinCols.getNumber().intValue(), this);
2521        IconAdder memoryIconEditor = getIconEditor("Memory");
2522        result.setMemory(memoryIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2523        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2524        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2525        setNextLocation(result);
2526        try {
2527            putItem(result);
2528        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2529            // This should never happen
2530            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2531        }
2532        return result;
2533    }
2535    protected GlobalVariableIcon putGlobalVariable() {
2536        GlobalVariableIcon result = new GlobalVariableIcon(new NamedIcon("resources/icons/misc/X-red.gif",
2537                "resources/icons/misc/X-red.gif"), this);
2538        IconAdder globalVariableIconEditor = getIconEditor("GlobalVariable");
2539        result.setGlobalVariable(globalVariableIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2540        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2541        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2542        setNextLocation(result);
2543        try {
2544            putItem(result);
2545        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2546            // This should never happen
2547            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2548        }
2549        return result;
2550    }
2552    protected GlobalVariableSpinnerIcon addGlobalVariableSpinner() {
2553        GlobalVariableSpinnerIcon result = new GlobalVariableSpinnerIcon(this);
2554        IconAdder globalVariableIconEditor = getIconEditor("GlobalVariable");
2555        result.setGlobalVariable(globalVariableIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2556        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2557        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2558        setNextLocation(result);
2559        try {
2560            putItem(result);
2561        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2562            // This should never happen
2563            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2564        }
2565        return result;
2566    }
2568    protected GlobalVariableInputIcon addGlobalVariableInputBox() {
2569        GlobalVariableInputIcon result = new GlobalVariableInputIcon(_spinCols.getNumber().intValue(), this);
2570        IconAdder globalVariableIconEditor = getIconEditor("GlobalVariable");
2571        result.setGlobalVariable(globalVariableIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2572        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2573        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2574        setNextLocation(result);
2575        try {
2576            putItem(result);
2577        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2578            // This should never happen
2579            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2580        }
2581        return result;
2582    }
2584    protected BlockContentsIcon putBlockContents() {
2585        BlockContentsIcon result = new BlockContentsIcon(new NamedIcon("resources/icons/misc/X-red.gif",
2586                "resources/icons/misc/X-red.gif"), this);
2587        IconAdder blockIconEditor = getIconEditor("BlockLabel");
2588        result.setBlock(blockIconEditor.getTableSelection().getDisplayName());
2589        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2590        result.setDisplayLevel(MEMORIES);
2591        setNextLocation(result);
2592        try {
2593            putItem(result);
2594        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2595            // This should never happen
2596            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2597        }
2598        return result;
2599    }
2601    /**
2602     * Add a Light indicator to the target
2603     *
2604     * @return The light indicator that was added to the target.
2605     */
2606    protected LightIcon addLight() {
2607        LightIcon result = new LightIcon(this);
2608        IconAdder editor = getIconEditor("Light");
2609        result.setOffIcon(editor.getIcon("StateOff"));
2610        result.setOnIcon(editor.getIcon("StateOn"));
2611        result.setInconsistentIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateInconsistent"));
2612        result.setUnknownIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateUnknown"));
2613        result.setLight((Light) editor.getTableSelection());
2614        result.setDisplayLevel(LIGHTS);
2615        setNextLocation(result);
2616        try {
2617            putItem(result);
2618        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2619            // This should never happen
2620            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2621        }
2622        return result;
2623    }
2625    protected ReporterIcon addReporter() {
2626        ReporterIcon result = new ReporterIcon(this);
2627        IconAdder reporterIconEditor = getIconEditor("Reporter");
2628        result.setReporter((Reporter) reporterIconEditor.getTableSelection());
2629        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2630        result.setDisplayLevel(REPORTERS);
2631        setNextLocation(result);
2632        try {
2633            putItem(result);
2634        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2635            // This should never happen
2636            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2637        }
2638        return result;
2639    }
2641    /**
2642     * Button pushed, add a background image. Note that a background image
2643     * differs from a regular icon only in the level at which it's presented.
2644     */
2645    void putBackground() {
2646        // most likely the image is scaled.  get full size from URL
2647        IconAdder bkgrndEditor = getIconEditor("Background");
2648        String url = bkgrndEditor.getIcon("background").getURL();
2649        setUpBackground(url);
2650    }
2652    /**
2653     * Add an icon to the target.
2654     *
2655     * @return The icon that was added to the target.
2656     */
2657    protected Positionable putIcon() {
2658        IconAdder iconEditor = getIconEditor("Icon");
2659        String url = iconEditor.getIcon("plainIcon").getURL();
2660        NamedIcon icon = NamedIcon.getIconByName(url);
2661        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
2662            log.debug("putIcon: {} url= {}", (icon == null ? "null" : "icon"), url);
2663        }
2664        PositionableLabel result = new PositionableLabel(icon, this);
2665//        l.setPopupUtility(null);        // no text
2666        result.setDisplayLevel(ICONS);
2667        setNextLocation(result);
2668        try {
2669            putItem(result);
2670        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2671            // This should never happen
2672            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2673        }
2674        result.updateSize();
2675        return result;
2676    }
2678    /**
2679     * Add a LogixNG icon to the target.
2680     *
2681     * @return The LogixNG icon that was added to the target.
2682     */
2683    protected Positionable putAudio() {
2684        IconAdder iconEditor = getIconEditor("Audio");
2685        String url = iconEditor.getIcon("plainIcon").getURL();
2686        NamedIcon icon = NamedIcon.getIconByName(url);
2687        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
2688            log.debug("putAudio: {} url= {}", (icon == null ? "null" : "icon"), url);
2689        }
2690        AudioIcon result = new AudioIcon(icon, this);
2691        NamedBean b = iconEditor.getTableSelection();
2692        if (b != null) {
2693            result.setAudio(b.getDisplayName());
2694        }
2695//        l.setPopupUtility(null);        // no text
2696        result.setDisplayLevel(ICONS);
2697        setNextLocation(result);
2698        try {
2699            putItem(result);
2700        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2701            // This should never happen
2702            log.error("Editor.putAudio() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2703        }
2704        result.updateSize();
2705        return result;
2706    }
2708    /**
2709     * Add a LogixNG icon to the target.
2710     *
2711     * @return The LogixNG icon that was added to the target.
2712     */
2713    protected Positionable putLogixNG() {
2714        IconAdder iconEditor = getIconEditor("LogixNG");
2715        String url = iconEditor.getIcon("plainIcon").getURL();
2716        NamedIcon icon = NamedIcon.getIconByName(url);
2717        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
2718            log.debug("putLogixNG: {} url= {}", (icon == null ? "null" : "icon"), url);
2719        }
2720        LogixNGIcon result = new LogixNGIcon(icon, this);
2721//        l.setPopupUtility(null);        // no text
2722        result.setDisplayLevel(ICONS);
2723        setNextLocation(result);
2724        try {
2725            putItem(result);
2726        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2727            // This should never happen
2728            log.error("Editor.putLogixNG() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2729        }
2730        result.updateSize();
2731        return result;
2732    }
2734    @SuppressFBWarnings(value="BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST_OF_RETURN_VALUE", justification="iconEditor requested as exact type")
2735    public MultiSensorIcon addMultiSensor() {
2736        MultiSensorIcon result = new MultiSensorIcon(this);
2737        MultiSensorIconAdder editor = (MultiSensorIconAdder) getIconEditor("MultiSensor");
2738        result.setUnknownIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateUnknown"));
2739        result.setInconsistentIcon(editor.getIcon("BeanStateInconsistent"));
2740        result.setInactiveIcon(editor.getIcon("SensorStateInactive"));
2741        int numPositions = editor.getNumIcons();
2742        for (int i = 3; i < numPositions; i++) {
2743            NamedIcon icon = editor.getIcon(i);
2744            String sensor = editor.getSensor(i).getName();
2745            result.addEntry(sensor, icon);
2746        }
2747        result.setUpDown(editor.getUpDown());
2748        result.setDisplayLevel(SENSORS);
2749        setNextLocation(result);
2750        try {
2751            putItem(result);
2752        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2753            // This should never happen
2754            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2755        }
2756        return result;
2757    }
2759    protected AnalogClock2Display addClock() {
2760        AnalogClock2Display result = new AnalogClock2Display(this);
2761        result.setOpaque(false);
2762        result.update();
2763        result.setDisplayLevel(CLOCK);
2764        setNextLocation(result);
2765        try {
2766            putItem(result);
2767        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2768            // This should never happen
2769            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2770        }
2771        return result;
2772    }
2774    protected RpsPositionIcon addRpsReporter() {
2775        RpsPositionIcon result = new RpsPositionIcon(this);
2776        result.setSize(result.getPreferredSize().width, result.getPreferredSize().height);
2777        result.setDisplayLevel(SENSORS);
2778        setNextLocation(result);
2779        try {
2780            putItem(result);
2781        } catch (Positionable.DuplicateIdException e) {
2782            // This should never happen
2783            log.error("Editor.putItem() with null id has thrown DuplicateIdException", e);
2784        }
2785        return result;
2786    }
2788    /*
2789     * ****************** end adding content ********************
2790     */
2791 /*
2792     * ********************* Icon Editors utils ***************************
2793     */
2794    public static class JFrameItem extends JmriJFrame {
2796        IconAdder _editor;
2798        JFrameItem(String name, IconAdder editor) {
2799            super(name);
2800            _editor = editor;
2801            setName(name);
2802        }
2804        public IconAdder getEditor() {
2805            return _editor;
2806        }
2808        @Override
2809        public String toString() {
2810            return this.getName();
2811        }
2812    }
2814    public void setTitle() {
2815        String name = "";
2816        Container ancestor = _targetPanel.getTopLevelAncestor();
2817        if (ancestor instanceof JFrame) {
2818            name = ((JFrame) ancestor).getTitle();
2819        }
2820        if (name == null || name.equals("")) {
2821            super.setTitle(Bundle.getMessage("LabelEditor"));
2822        } else {
2823            super.setTitle(name + " " + Bundle.getMessage("LabelEditor"));
2824        }
2825        for (JFrameItem frame : _iconEditorFrame.values()) {
2826            frame.setTitle(frame.getName() + " (" + name + ")");
2827        }
2828        setName(name);
2829    }
2831    /**
2832     * Create a frame showing all images in the set used for an icon.
2833     * Opened when editItemInPanel button is clicked in the Edit Icon Panel,
2834     * shown after icon's context menu Edit Icon... item is selected.
2835     *
2836     * @param name bean type name
2837     * @param add true when used to add a new item on panel, false when used to edit an item already on the panel
2838     * @param table true for bean types presented as table instead of icons
2839     * @param editor parent frame of the image frame
2840     * @return JFrame connected to the editor,  to be filled with icons
2841     */
2842    protected JFrameItem makeAddIconFrame(String name, boolean add, boolean table, IconAdder editor) {
2843        log.debug("makeAddIconFrame for {}, add= {}, table= {}", name, add, table);
2844        String txt;
2845        String BundleName;
2846        JFrameItem frame = new JFrameItem(name, editor);
2847        // use NamedBeanBundle property for basic beans like "Turnout" I18N
2848        if ("Sensor".equals(name)) {
2849            BundleName = "BeanNameSensor";
2850        } else if ("SignalHead".equals(name)) {
2851            BundleName = "BeanNameSignalHead";
2852        } else if ("SignalMast".equals(name)) {
2853            BundleName = "BeanNameSignalMast";
2854        } else if ("Memory".equals(name)) {
2855            BundleName = "BeanNameMemory";
2856        } else if ("Reporter".equals(name)) {
2857            BundleName = "BeanNameReporter";
2858        } else if ("Light".equals(name)) {
2859            BundleName = "BeanNameLight";
2860        } else if ("Turnout".equals(name)) {
2861            BundleName = "BeanNameTurnout"; // called by RightTurnout and LeftTurnout objects in TurnoutIcon.java edit() method
2862        } else if ("Block".equals(name)) {
2863            BundleName = "BeanNameBlock";
2864        } else if ("GlobalVariable".equals(name)) {
2865            BundleName = "BeanNameGlobalVariable";
2866        } else if ("Audio".equals(name)) {
2867            BundleName = "BeanNameAudio";
2868        } else {
2869            BundleName = name;
2870        }
2871        if (editor != null) {
2872            JPanel p = new JPanel();
2873            p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
2874            if (add) {
2875                txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("addItemToPanel"), Bundle.getMessage(BundleName));
2876            } else {
2877                txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("editItemInPanel"), Bundle.getMessage(BundleName));
2878            }
2879            p.add(new JLabel(txt));
2880            if (table) {
2881                txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("TableSelect"), Bundle.getMessage(BundleName),
2882                        (add ? Bundle.getMessage("ButtonAddIcon") : Bundle.getMessage("ButtonUpdateIcon")));
2883            } else {
2884                if ("MultiSensor".equals(name)) {
2885                    txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("SelectMultiSensor", Bundle.getMessage("ButtonAddIcon")),
2886                            (add ? Bundle.getMessage("ButtonAddIcon") : Bundle.getMessage("ButtonUpdateIcon")));
2887                } else {
2888                    txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("IconSelect"), Bundle.getMessage(BundleName),
2889                            (add ? Bundle.getMessage("ButtonAddIcon") : Bundle.getMessage("ButtonUpdateIcon")));
2890                }
2891            }
2892            p.add(new JLabel(txt));
2893            p.add(new JLabel("    ")); // add a bit of space on pane above icons
2894            frame.getContentPane().add(p, BorderLayout.NORTH);
2895            frame.getContentPane().add(editor);
2897            JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
2898            JMenu findIcon = new JMenu(Bundle.getMessage("findIconMenu"));
2899            menuBar.add(findIcon);
2901            JMenuItem editItem = new JMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("editIndexMenu"));
2902            editItem.addActionListener(e -> {
2903                ImageIndexEditor ii = InstanceManager.getDefault(ImageIndexEditor.class);
2904                ii.pack();
2905                ii.setVisible(true);
2906            });
2907            findIcon.add(editItem);
2908            findIcon.addSeparator();
2910            JMenuItem searchItem = new JMenuItem(Bundle.getMessage("searchFSMenu"));
2911            searchItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
2912                IconAdder ea;
2914                @Override
2915                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
2916                    InstanceManager.getDefault(DirectorySearcher.class).searchFS();
2917                    ea.addDirectoryToCatalog();
2918                }
2920                ActionListener init(IconAdder ed) {
2921                    ea = ed;
2922                    return this;
2923                }
2924            }.init(editor));
2926            findIcon.add(searchItem);
2927            frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar);
2928            editor.setParent(frame);
2929            // when this window closes, check for saving
2930            if (add) {
2931                frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
2932                    @Override
2933                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
2934                        setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE);
2935                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
2936                            log.debug("windowClosing: HIDE {}", toString());
2937                        }
2938                    }
2939                });
2940            }
2941        } else {
2942            log.error("No icon editor specified for {}", name); // NOI18N
2943        }
2944        if (add) {
2945            txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("AddItem"), Bundle.getMessage(BundleName));
2946            _iconEditorFrame.put(name, frame);
2947        } else {
2948            txt = MessageFormat.format(Bundle.getMessage("EditItem"), Bundle.getMessage(BundleName));
2949        }
2950        frame.setTitle(txt + " (" + getTitle() + ")");
2951        frame.pack();
2952        return frame;
2953    }
2955    /*
2956     * ******************* cleanup ************************
2957     */
2958    protected void removeFromTarget(Positionable l) {
2959        _targetPanel.remove((Component) l);
2960        _highlightcomponent = null;
2961        Point p = l.getLocation();
2962        int w = l.getWidth();
2963        int h = l.getHeight();
2964        _targetPanel.revalidate();
2965        _targetPanel.repaint(p.x, p.y, w, h);
2966    }
2968    public boolean removeFromContents(Positionable l) {
2969        removeFromTarget(l);
2970        //todo check that parent == _targetPanel
2971        //Container parent = this.getParent();
2972        // force redisplay
2973        if (l.getId() != null) _idContents.remove(l.getId());
2974        for (String className : l.getClasses()) {
2975            _classContents.get(className).remove(l);
2976        }
2977        return _contents.remove(l);
2978    }
2980    /**
2981     * Ask user if panel should be deleted. The caller should dispose the panel
2982     * to delete it.
2983     *
2984     * @return true if panel should be deleted.
2985     */
2986    public boolean deletePanel() {
2987        log.debug("deletePanel");
2988        // verify deletion
2989        int selectedValue = JmriJOptionPane.showOptionDialog(_targetPanel,
2990                Bundle.getMessage("QuestionA") + "\n" + Bundle.getMessage("QuestionA2", Bundle.getMessage("FileMenuItemStore")),
2991                Bundle.getMessage("DeleteVerifyTitle"), JmriJOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
2992                JmriJOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null,
2993                new Object[]{Bundle.getMessage("ButtonYesDelete"), Bundle.getMessage("ButtonCancel")},
2994                Bundle.getMessage("ButtonCancel"));
2995        // return without deleting if "Cancel" or Cancel Dialog response
2996        return (selectedValue == 0 ); // array position 0 = Yes, Delete.
2997    }
2999    /**
3000     * Dispose of the editor.
3001     */
3002    @Override
3003    public void dispose() {
3004        for (JFrameItem frame : _iconEditorFrame.values()) {
3005            frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
3006            frame.dispose();
3007        }
3008        // delete panel - deregister the panel for saving
3009        ConfigureManager cm = InstanceManager.getNullableDefault(ConfigureManager.class);
3010        if (cm != null) {
3011            cm.deregister(this);
3012        }
3013        InstanceManager.getDefault(EditorManager.class).remove(this);
3014        setVisible(false);
3015        _contents.clear();
3016        _idContents.clear();
3017        for (var list : _classContents.values()) list.clear();
3018        _classContents.clear();
3019        removeAll();
3020        super.dispose();
3021    }
3023    /*
3024     * **************** Mouse Methods **********************
3025     */
3026    public void showToolTip(Positionable selection, JmriMouseEvent event) {
3027        ToolTip tip = selection.getToolTip();
3028        tip.setLocation(selection.getX() + selection.getWidth() / 2, selection.getY() + selection.getHeight());
3029        setToolTip(tip);
3030    }
3032    protected int getItemX(Positionable p, int deltaX) {
3033        if ((p instanceof MemoryOrGVIcon) && (p.getPopupUtility().getFixedWidth() == 0)) {
3034            MemoryOrGVIcon pm = (MemoryOrGVIcon) p;
3035            return pm.getOriginalX() + (int) Math.round(deltaX / getPaintScale());
3036        } else {
3037            return p.getX() + (int) Math.round(deltaX / getPaintScale());
3038        }
3039    }
3041    protected int getItemY(Positionable p, int deltaY) {
3042        if ((p instanceof MemoryOrGVIcon) && (p.getPopupUtility().getFixedWidth() == 0)) {
3043            MemoryOrGVIcon pm = (MemoryOrGVIcon) p;
3044            return pm.getOriginalY() + (int) Math.round(deltaY / getPaintScale());
3045        } else {
3046            return p.getY() + (int) Math.round(deltaY / getPaintScale());
3047        }
3048    }
3050    /**
3051     * Provide a method for external code to add items to context menus.
3052     *
3053     * @param nb   The namedBean associated with the postionable item.
3054     * @param item The entry to add to the menu.
3055     * @param menu The menu to add the entry to.
3056     */
3057    public void addToPopUpMenu(NamedBean nb, JMenuItem item, int menu) {
3058        if (nb == null || item == null) {
3059            return;
3060        }
3061        for (Positionable pos : _contents) {
3062            if (pos.getNamedBean() == nb && pos.getPopupUtility() != null) {
3063                switch (menu) {
3064                    case VIEWPOPUPONLY:
3065                        pos.getPopupUtility().addViewPopUpMenu(item);
3066                        break;
3067                    case EDITPOPUPONLY:
3068                        pos.getPopupUtility().addEditPopUpMenu(item);
3069                        break;
3070                    default:
3071                        pos.getPopupUtility().addEditPopUpMenu(item);
3072                        pos.getPopupUtility().addViewPopUpMenu(item);
3073                }
3074                return;
3075            } else if (pos instanceof SlipTurnoutIcon) {
3076                if (pos.getPopupUtility() != null) {
3077                    SlipTurnoutIcon sti = (SlipTurnoutIcon) pos;
3078                    if (sti.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.EAST) == nb || sti.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.WEST) == nb
3079                            || sti.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWEREAST) == nb || sti.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWERWEST) == nb) {
3080                        switch (menu) {
3081                            case VIEWPOPUPONLY:
3082                                pos.getPopupUtility().addViewPopUpMenu(item);
3083                                break;
3084                            case EDITPOPUPONLY:
3085                                pos.getPopupUtility().addEditPopUpMenu(item);
3086                                break;
3087                            default:
3088                                pos.getPopupUtility().addEditPopUpMenu(item);
3089                                pos.getPopupUtility().addViewPopUpMenu(item);
3090                        }
3091                        return;
3092                    }
3093                }
3094            } else if (pos instanceof MultiSensorIcon) {
3095                if (pos.getPopupUtility() != null) {
3096                    MultiSensorIcon msi = (MultiSensorIcon) pos;
3097                    boolean match = false;
3098                    for (int i = 0; i < msi.getNumEntries(); i++) {
3099                        if (msi.getSensorName(i).equals(nb.getUserName())) {
3100                            match = true;
3101                            break;
3102                        } else if (msi.getSensorName(i).equals(nb.getSystemName())) {
3103                            match = true;
3104                            break;
3105                        }
3106                    }
3107                    if (match) {
3108                        switch (menu) {
3109                            case VIEWPOPUPONLY:
3110                                pos.getPopupUtility().addViewPopUpMenu(item);
3111                                break;
3112                            case EDITPOPUPONLY:
3113                                pos.getPopupUtility().addEditPopUpMenu(item);
3114                                break;
3115                            default:
3116                                pos.getPopupUtility().addEditPopUpMenu(item);
3117                                pos.getPopupUtility().addViewPopUpMenu(item);
3118                        }
3119                        return;
3120                    }
3121                }
3122            }
3123        }
3124    }
3126    public final static int VIEWPOPUPONLY = 0x00;
3127    public final static int EDITPOPUPONLY = 0x01;
3128    public final static int BOTHPOPUPS = 0x02;
3130    /**
3131     * Relocate item.
3132     * <p>
3133     * Note that items can not be moved past the left or top edges of the panel.
3134     *
3135     * @param p      The item to move.
3136     * @param deltaX The horizontal displacement.
3137     * @param deltaY The vertical displacement.
3138     */
3139    public void moveItem(Positionable p, int deltaX, int deltaY) {
3140        //log.debug("moveItem at ({},{}) delta ({},{})", p.getX(), p.getY(), deltaX, deltaY);
3141        if (getFlag(OPTION_POSITION, p.isPositionable())) {
3142            int xObj = getItemX(p, deltaX);
3143            int yObj = getItemY(p, deltaY);
3144            // don't allow negative placement, icon can become unreachable
3145            if (xObj < 0) {
3146                xObj = 0;
3147            }
3148            if (yObj < 0) {
3149                yObj = 0;
3150            }
3151            p.setLocation(xObj, yObj);
3152            // and show!
3153            p.repaint();
3154        }
3155    }
3157    /**
3158     * Return a List of all items whose bounding rectangle contain the mouse
3159     * position. ordered from top level to bottom
3160     *
3161     * @param event contains the mouse position.
3162     * @return a list of positionable items or an empty list.
3163     */
3164    protected List<Positionable> getSelectedItems(JmriMouseEvent event) {
3165        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
3166        ArrayList<Positionable> selections = new ArrayList<>();
3167        for (Positionable p : _contents) {
3168            double x = event.getX();
3169            double y = event.getY();
3170            rect = p.getBounds(rect);
3171            if (p instanceof jmri.jmrit.display.controlPanelEditor.shape.PositionableShape
3172                    && p.getDegrees() != 0) {
3173                double rad = p.getDegrees() * Math.PI / 180.0;
3174                java.awt.geom.AffineTransform t = java.awt.geom.AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(-rad);
3175                double[] pt = new double[2];
3176                // bit shift to avoid SpotBugs paranoia
3177                pt[0] = x - rect.x - (rect.width >>> 1);
3178                pt[1] = y - rect.y - (rect.height >>> 1);
3179                t.transform(pt, 0, pt, 0, 1);
3180                x = pt[0] + rect.x + (rect.width >>> 1);
3181                y = pt[1] + rect.y + (rect.height >>> 1);
3182            }
3183            Rectangle2D.Double rect2D = new Rectangle2D.Double(rect.x * _paintScale,
3184                    rect.y * _paintScale,
3185                    rect.width * _paintScale,
3186                    rect.height * _paintScale);
3187            if (rect2D.contains(x, y) && (p.getDisplayLevel() > BKG || event.isControlDown())) {
3188                boolean added = false;
3189                int level = p.getDisplayLevel();
3190                for (int k = 0; k < selections.size(); k++) {
3191                    if (level >= selections.get(k).getDisplayLevel()) {
3192                        selections.add(k, p);
3193                        added = true;       // OK to lie in the case of background icon
3194                        break;
3195                    }
3196                }
3197                if (!added) {
3198                    selections.add(p);
3199                }
3200            }
3201        }
3202        //log.debug("getSelectedItems at ({},{}) {} found,", x, y, selections.size());
3203        return selections;
3204    }
3206    /*
3207     * Gather all items inside _selectRect
3208     * Keep old group if Control key is down
3209     */
3210    protected void makeSelectionGroup(JmriMouseEvent event) {
3211        if (!event.isControlDown() || _selectionGroup == null) {
3212            _selectionGroup = new ArrayList<>();
3213        }
3214        Rectangle test = new Rectangle();
3215        List<Positionable> list = getContents();
3216        if (event.isShiftDown()) {
3217            for (Positionable comp : list) {
3218                if (_selectRect.intersects(comp.getBounds(test))
3219                        && (event.isControlDown() || comp.getDisplayLevel() > BKG)) {
3220                    _selectionGroup.add(comp);
3221                    //log.debug("makeSelectionGroup: selection: {}, class= {}", comp.getNameString(), comp.getClass().getName());
3222                }
3223            }
3224        } else {
3225            for (Positionable comp : list) {
3226                if (_selectRect.contains(comp.getBounds(test))
3227                        && (event.isControlDown() || comp.getDisplayLevel() > BKG)) {
3228                    _selectionGroup.add(comp);
3229                    //log.debug("makeSelectionGroup: selection: {}, class= {}", comp.getNameString(), comp.getClass().getName());
3230                }
3231            }
3232        }
3233        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
3234            log.debug("makeSelectionGroup: {} selected.", _selectionGroup.size());
3235        }
3236        if (_selectionGroup.size() < 1) {
3237            _selectRect = null;
3238            deselectSelectionGroup();
3239        }
3240    }
3242    /*
3243     * For the param, selection, Add to or delete from _selectionGroup.
3244     * If not there, add.
3245     * If there, delete.
3246     * make new group if Cntl key is not held down
3247     */
3248    protected void modifySelectionGroup(Positionable selection, JmriMouseEvent event) {
3249        if (!event.isControlDown() || _selectionGroup == null) {
3250            _selectionGroup = new ArrayList<>();
3251        }
3252        boolean removed = false;
3253        if (event.isControlDown()) {
3254            if (selection.getDisplayLevel() > BKG) {
3255                if (_selectionGroup.contains(selection)) {
3256                    removed = _selectionGroup.remove(selection);
3257                } else {
3258                    _selectionGroup.add(selection);
3259                }
3260            } else if (event.isShiftDown()) {
3261                if (_selectionGroup.contains(selection)) {
3262                    removed = _selectionGroup.remove(selection);
3263                } else {
3264                    _selectionGroup.add(selection);
3265                }
3266            }
3267        }
3268        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
3269            log.debug("modifySelectionGroup: size= {}, selection {}", _selectionGroup.size(), (removed ? "removed" : "added"));
3270        }
3271    }
3273    /**
3274     * Set attributes of a Positionable.
3275     *
3276     * @param newUtil helper from which to get attributes
3277     * @param p       the item to set attributes of
3278     *
3279     */
3280    public void setAttributes(PositionablePopupUtil newUtil, Positionable p) {
3281        p.setPopupUtility(newUtil.clone(p, p.getTextComponent()));
3282        int mar = newUtil.getMargin();
3283        int bor = newUtil.getBorderSize();
3284        Border outlineBorder;
3285        if (bor == 0) {
3286            outlineBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0);
3287        } else {
3288            outlineBorder = new LineBorder(newUtil.getBorderColor(), bor);
3289        }
3290        Border borderMargin;
3291        if (newUtil.hasBackground()) {
3292            borderMargin = new LineBorder(p.getBackground(), mar);
3293        } else {
3294            borderMargin = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(mar, mar, mar, mar);
3295        }
3296        p.setBorder(new CompoundBorder(outlineBorder, borderMargin));
3298        if (p instanceof PositionableLabel) {
3299            PositionableLabel pos = (PositionableLabel) p;
3300            if (pos.isText()) {
3301                int deg = pos.getDegrees();
3302                pos.rotate(0);
3303                if (deg == 0) {
3304                    p.setOpaque(newUtil.hasBackground());
3305                } else {
3306                    pos.rotate(deg);
3307                }
3308            }
3309        } else if (p instanceof PositionableJPanel) {
3310            p.setOpaque(newUtil.hasBackground());
3311            p.getTextComponent().setOpaque(newUtil.hasBackground());
3312        }
3313        p.updateSize();
3314        p.repaint();
3315        if (p instanceof PositionableIcon) {
3316            NamedBean bean = p.getNamedBean();
3317            if (bean != null) {
3318                ((PositionableIcon) p).displayState(bean.getState());
3319            }
3320        }
3321    }
3323    protected void setSelectionsAttributes(PositionablePopupUtil util, Positionable pos) {
3324        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(pos)) {
3325            for (Positionable p : _selectionGroup) {
3326                if (p instanceof PositionableLabel) {
3327                    setAttributes(util, p);
3328                }
3329            }
3330        }
3331    }
3333    protected void setSelectionsHidden(boolean enabled, Positionable p) {
3334        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3335            for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3336                comp.setHidden(enabled);
3337            }
3338        }
3339    }
3341    protected boolean setSelectionsPositionable(boolean enabled, Positionable p) {
3342        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3343            for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3344                comp.setPositionable(enabled);
3345            }
3346            return true;
3347        } else {
3348            return false;
3349        }
3350    }
3352    protected void removeSelections(Positionable p) {
3353        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3354            for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3355                comp.remove();
3356            }
3357            deselectSelectionGroup();
3358        }
3359    }
3361    protected void setSelectionsScale(double s, Positionable p) {
3362        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3363            for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3364                comp.setScale(s);
3365            }
3366        } else {
3367            p.setScale(s);
3368        }
3369    }
3371    protected void setSelectionsRotation(int k, Positionable p) {
3372        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3373            for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3374                comp.rotate(k);
3375            }
3376        } else {
3377            p.rotate(k);
3378        }
3379    }
3381    protected void setSelectionsDisplayLevel(int k, Positionable p) {
3382        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3383            for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3384                comp.setDisplayLevel(k);
3385            }
3386        } else {
3387            p.setDisplayLevel(k);
3388        }
3389    }
3391    protected void setSelectionsDockingLocation(Positionable p) {
3392        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3393            for (Positionable pos : _selectionGroup) {
3394                if (pos instanceof LocoIcon) {
3395                    ((LocoIcon) pos).setDockingLocation(pos.getX(), pos.getY());
3396                }
3397            }
3398        } else if (p instanceof LocoIcon) {
3399            ((LocoIcon) p).setDockingLocation(p.getX(), p.getY());
3400        }
3401    }
3403    protected void dockSelections(Positionable p) {
3404        if (_selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p)) {
3405            for (Positionable pos : _selectionGroup) {
3406                if (pos instanceof LocoIcon) {
3407                    ((LocoIcon) pos).dock();
3408                }
3409            }
3410        } else if (p instanceof LocoIcon) {
3411            ((LocoIcon) p).dock();
3412        }
3413    }
3415    protected boolean showAlignPopup(Positionable p) {
3416        return _selectionGroup != null && _selectionGroup.contains(p);
3417    }
3419    public Rectangle getSelectRect() {
3420        return _selectRect;
3421    }
3423    public void drawSelectRect(int x, int y) {
3424        int aX = getAnchorX();
3425        int aY = getAnchorY();
3426        int w = x - aX;
3427        int h = y - aY;
3428        if (x < aX) {
3429            aX = x;
3430            w = -w;
3431        }
3432        if (y < aY) {
3433            aY = y;
3434            h = -h;
3435        }
3436        _selectRect = new Rectangle((int) Math.round(aX / _paintScale), (int) Math.round(aY / _paintScale),
3437                (int) Math.round(w / _paintScale), (int) Math.round(h / _paintScale));
3438    }
3440    public final int getAnchorX() {
3441        return _anchorX;
3442    }
3444    public final int getAnchorY() {
3445        return _anchorY;
3446    }
3448    public final int getLastX() {
3449        return _lastX;
3450    }
3452    public final int getLastY() {
3453        return _lastY;
3454    }
3456    @Override
3457    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
3458    }
3460    @Override
3461    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
3462        if (_selectionGroup == null) {
3463            return;
3464        }
3465        int x = 0;
3466        int y = 0;
3467        switch (e.getKeyCode()) {
3468            case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
3469                y = -1;
3470                break;
3471            case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
3472                y = 1;
3473                break;
3474            case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
3475                x = -1;
3476                break;
3477            case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
3478                x = 1;
3479                break;
3480            default:
3481                log.warn("Unexpected e.getKeyCode() of {}", e.getKeyCode());
3482                break;
3483        }
3484        //A cheat if the shift key isn't pressed then we move 5 pixels at a time.
3485        if (!e.isShiftDown()) {
3486            y = y * 5;
3487            x = x * 5;
3488        }
3489        for (Positionable comp : _selectionGroup) {
3490            moveItem(comp, x, y);
3491        }
3492        _targetPanel.repaint();
3493    }
3495    @Override
3496    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
3497    }
3499    @Override
3500    public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException {
3501        NamedBean nb = (NamedBean) evt.getOldValue();
3502        if ("CanDelete".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { // NOI18N
3503            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
3504            message.append(Bundle.getMessage("VetoInUseEditorHeader", getName())); // NOI18N
3505            message.append("<br>");
3506            boolean found = false;
3507            int count = 0;
3508            for (Positionable p : _contents) {
3509                if (nb.equals(p.getNamedBean())) {
3510                    found = true;
3511                    count++;
3512                }
3513            }
3514            if (found) {
3515                message.append(Bundle.getMessage("VetoFoundInPanel", count));
3516                message.append("<br>");
3517                message.append(Bundle.getMessage("VetoReferencesWillBeRemoved")); // NOI18N
3518                message.append("<br>");
3519                throw new PropertyVetoException(message.toString(), evt);
3520            }
3521        } else if ("DoDelete".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { // NOI18N
3522            ArrayList<Positionable> toDelete = new ArrayList<>();
3523            for (Positionable p : _contents) {
3524                if (nb.equals(p.getNamedBean())) {
3525                    toDelete.add(p);
3526                }
3527            }
3528            for (Positionable p : toDelete) {
3529                removeFromContents(p);
3530                _targetPanel.repaint();
3531            }
3532        }
3533    }
3535    /*
3536     * ********************* Abstract Methods ***********************
3537     */
3538    @Override
3539    abstract public void mousePressed(JmriMouseEvent event);
3541    @Override
3542    abstract public void mouseReleased(JmriMouseEvent event);
3544    @Override
3545    abstract public void mouseClicked(JmriMouseEvent event);
3547    @Override
3548    abstract public void mouseDragged(JmriMouseEvent event);
3550    @Override
3551    abstract public void mouseMoved(JmriMouseEvent event);
3553    @Override
3554    abstract public void mouseEntered(JmriMouseEvent event);
3556    @Override
3557    abstract public void mouseExited(JmriMouseEvent event);
3559    /*
3560     * set up target panel, frame etc.
3561     */
3562    abstract protected void init(String name);
3564    /*
3565     * Closing of Target frame window.
3566     */
3567    abstract protected void targetWindowClosingEvent(WindowEvent e);
3569    /**
3570     * Called from TargetPanel's paint method for additional drawing by editor
3571     * view.
3572     *
3573     * @param g the context to paint within
3574     */
3575    abstract protected void paintTargetPanel(Graphics g);
3577    /**
3578     * Set an object's location when it is created.
3579     *
3580     * @param obj the object to locate
3581     */
3582    abstract protected void setNextLocation(Positionable obj);
3584    /**
3585     * After construction, initialize all the widgets to their saved config
3586     * settings.
3587     */
3588    abstract public void initView();
3590    /**
3591     * Set up item(s) to be copied by paste.
3592     *
3593     * @param p the item to copy
3594     */
3595    abstract protected void copyItem(Positionable p);
3597    public List<NamedBeanUsageReport> getUsageReport(NamedBean bean) {
3598        List<NamedBeanUsageReport> report = new ArrayList<>();
3599        if (bean != null) {
3600            getContents().forEach((pos) -> {
3601                String data = getUsageData(pos);
3602                if (pos instanceof MultiSensorIcon) {
3603                    MultiSensorIcon multi = (MultiSensorIcon) pos;
3604                    multi.getSensors().forEach((sensor) -> {
3605                        if (bean.equals(sensor)) {
3606                            report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3607                        }
3608                    });
3610                } else if (pos instanceof SlipTurnoutIcon) {
3611                    SlipTurnoutIcon slip3Scissor = (SlipTurnoutIcon) pos;
3612                    if (bean.equals(slip3Scissor.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.EAST))) {
3613                        report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3614                    }
3615                    if (bean.equals(slip3Scissor.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.WEST))) {
3616                        report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3617                    }
3618                    if (slip3Scissor.getNamedTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWEREAST) != null) {
3619                        if (bean.equals(slip3Scissor.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWEREAST))) {
3620                            report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3621                        }
3622                    }
3623                    if (slip3Scissor.getNamedTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWERWEST) != null) {
3624                        if (bean.equals(slip3Scissor.getTurnout(SlipTurnoutIcon.LOWERWEST))) {
3625                            report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3626                        }
3627                    }
3629                } else if (pos instanceof LightIcon) {
3630                    LightIcon icon = (LightIcon) pos;
3631                    if (bean.equals(icon.getLight())) {
3632                        report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3633                    }
3635                } else if (pos instanceof ReporterIcon) {
3636                    ReporterIcon icon = (ReporterIcon) pos;
3637                    if (bean.equals(icon.getReporter())) {
3638                        report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3639                    }
3641                } else if (pos instanceof AudioIcon) {
3642                    AudioIcon icon = (AudioIcon) pos;
3643                    if (bean.equals(icon.getAudio())) {
3644                        report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3645                    }
3647                } else {
3648                    if (bean.equals(pos.getNamedBean())) {
3649                        report.add(new NamedBeanUsageReport("PositionalIcon", data));
3650                    }
3651               }
3652            });
3653        }
3654        return report;
3655    }
3657    String getUsageData(Positionable pos) {
3658        Point point = pos.getLocation();
3659        return String.format("%s :: x=%d, y=%d",
3660                pos.getClass().getSimpleName(),
3661                Math.round(point.getX()),
3662                Math.round(point.getY()));
3663    }
3665    // initialize logging
3666    private final static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Editor.class);