001package jmri.implementation.configurexml;
003import java.util.List;
004import jmri.InstanceManager;
005import jmri.JmriException;
006import jmri.SignalAppearanceMap;
007import jmri.Turnout;
008import jmri.implementation.TurnoutSignalMast;
009import org.jdom2.Element;
010import org.slf4j.Logger;
011import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
014 * Handle XML configuration for TurnoutSignalMast objects.
015 *
016 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
017 */
018public class TurnoutSignalMastXml
019        extends jmri.managers.configurexml.AbstractNamedBeanManagerConfigXML {
021    public TurnoutSignalMastXml() {
022    }
024    /**
025     * Default implementation for storing the contents of a
026     * DefaultSignalMastManager
027     *
028     * @param o Object to store, of type TripleTurnoutSignalHead
029     * @return Element containing the complete info
030     */
031    @Override
032    public Element store(Object o) {
033        TurnoutSignalMast p = (TurnoutSignalMast) o;
034        Element e = new Element("turnoutsignalmast");
035        e.setAttribute("class", this.getClass().getName());
036        e.addContent(new Element("systemName").addContent(p.getSystemName()));
038        storeCommon(p, e);
039        Element unlit = new Element("unlit");
040        if (p.allowUnLit()) {
041            unlit.setAttribute("allowed", "yes");
042            unlit.addContent(new Element("turnout").addContent(p.getUnLitTurnoutName()));
043            if (p.getUnLitTurnoutState() == Turnout.CLOSED) {
044                unlit.addContent(new Element("turnoutstate").addContent("closed"));
045            } else {
046                unlit.addContent(new Element("turnoutstate").addContent("thrown"));
047            }
048        } else {
049            unlit.setAttribute("allowed", "no");
050        }
051        e.addContent(unlit);
052        SignalAppearanceMap appMap = p.getAppearanceMap();
053        if (appMap != null) {
054            java.util.Enumeration<String> aspects = appMap.getAspects();
055            while (aspects.hasMoreElements()) {
056                String key = aspects.nextElement();
057                Element el = new Element("aspect");
058                el.setAttribute("defines", key);
059                el.addContent(new Element("turnout").addContent(p.getTurnoutName(key)));
060                if (p.getTurnoutState(key) == Turnout.CLOSED) {
061                    el.addContent(new Element("turnoutstate").addContent("closed"));
062                } else {
063                    el.addContent(new Element("turnoutstate").addContent("thrown"));
064                }
065                e.addContent(el);
066            }
067        }
068        List<String> disabledAspects = p.getDisabledAspects();
069        if (disabledAspects != null) {
070            Element el = new Element("disabledAspects");
071            for (String aspect : disabledAspects) {
072                Element ele = new Element("disabledAspect");
073                ele.addContent(aspect);
074                el.addContent(ele);
075            }
076            if (disabledAspects.size() != 0) {
077                e.addContent(el);
078            }
079        }
080        if (p.resetPreviousStates()) {
081            e.addContent(new Element("resetPreviousStates").addContent("yes"));
082        }
083        return e;
084    }
086    @Override
087    public boolean load(Element shared, Element perNode) {
088        TurnoutSignalMast m;
089        String sys = getSystemName(shared);
090        try {
091            m = (TurnoutSignalMast) InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SignalMastManager.class)
092                    .provideCustomSignalMast(sys, TurnoutSignalMast.class);
093        } catch (JmriException e) {
094            log.error("Failed to load TurnoutSignalMast {}", sys, e);
095            return false;
096        }
098        if (getUserName(shared) != null) {
099            m.setUserName(getUserName(shared));
100        }
102        loadCommon(m, shared);
104        if (shared.getChild("unlit") != null) {
105            Element unlit = shared.getChild("unlit");
106            if (unlit.getAttribute("allowed") != null) {
107                if (unlit.getAttribute("allowed").getValue().equals("no")) {
108                    m.setAllowUnLit(false);
109                } else {
110                    m.setAllowUnLit(true);
111                    String turnout = unlit.getChild("turnout").getText();
112                    String turnoutState = unlit.getChild("turnoutstate").getText();
113                    int turnState = Turnout.THROWN;
114                    if (turnoutState.equals("closed")) {
115                        turnState = Turnout.CLOSED;
116                    }
117                    m.setUnLitTurnout(turnout, turnState);
118                }
119            }
120        }
122        List<Element> list = shared.getChildren("aspect");
123        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
124            Element e = list.get(i);
125            String aspect = e.getAttribute("defines").getValue();
126            String turnout = e.getChild("turnout").getText();
127            String turnoutState = e.getChild("turnoutstate").getText();
128            int turnState = Turnout.THROWN;
129            if (turnoutState.equals("closed")) {
130                turnState = Turnout.CLOSED;
131            }
132            m.setTurnout(aspect, turnout, turnState);
133        }
134        Element e = shared.getChild("disabledAspects");
135        if (e != null) {
136            list = e.getChildren("disabledAspect");
137            for (Element aspect : list) {
138                m.setAspectDisabled(aspect.getText());
139            }
140        }
141        if ((shared.getChild("resetPreviousStates") != null)
142                && shared.getChild("resetPreviousStates").getText().equals("yes")) {
143            m.resetPreviousStates(true);
144        }
146        return true;
147    }
149    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TurnoutSignalMastXml.class);