Class LayoutXOver

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    LayoutDoubleXOver, LayoutLHXOver, LayoutRHXOver

    public abstract class LayoutXOver
    extends LayoutTurnout
    A LayoutXOver corresponds to a crossover (connection between parallel tracks) on the layout.

    Three types are supported: double crossover, right-handed single crossover, and left-handed single crossover.

    A LayoutXOver has four connection points, designated A, B, C, and D. The A-B and C-D routes are a straight segment (continuing route). A-C and B-D are the diverging routes. B-C and A-D illegal conditions.

     Right-hand            left-hand
     A ==**===== B      A ====**== B
          \\                 //
           \\               //
      D ====**== C     D ==**===== C
            A ==**==**== B
            D ==**==**== C

    A LayoutXOver carries Block information. A block border may occur at any connection (A,B,C,D). For a double crossover turnout, up to four blocks may be assigned, one for each connection point, but if only one block is assigned, that block applies to the entire turnout.

    For drawing purposes, each LayoutXOver carries a center point and displacements for B and C. For double crossovers, the center point is at the center of the turnout, and the displacement for A = - the displacement for C and the displacement for D = - the displacement for B. The center point and these displacements may be adjusted by the user when in edit mode. For double crossovers, AB and BC are constrained to remain perpendicular. For single crossovers, AB and CD are constrained to remain parallel, and AC and BD are constrained to remain parallel.

    When LayoutXOvers are first created, a rotation (degrees) is provided. For 0.0 rotation, the turnout lies on the east-west line with A facing east. Rotations are performed in a clockwise direction.

    When LayoutXOvers are first created, there are no connections. Block information and connections may be added when available.

    When a LayoutXOvers is first created, it is enabled for control of an assigned actual turnout. Clicking on the turnout center point will toggle the turnout. This can be disabled via the popup menu.

    Signal Head names are saved here to keep track of where signals are. LayoutTurnout only serves as a storage place for signal head names. The names are placed here by tools, e.g., Set Signals at Turnout, and Set Signals at Double Crossover. Each connection point can have up to three SignalHeads and one SignalMast.