Package jmri.jmrit.beantable
Provides table GUI for manipulating NamedBean objects: Turnouts,
Sensors, SignalHeads.
Constructed using loconet.slotmon as a model, Summer 2003
The table GUI is based on Swing JTables, using a common data
model in the BeanTableDataModel
class. This is
then subclassed to provide services specific to each type
of NamedBean.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractLogixNGTableAction<E extends NamedBean> Swing action to create and register a LogixNG Table.AbstractTableAction<E extends NamedBean> Swing action to create and register a NamedBeanTable GUI.AbstractTableAction.TableItem<E extends NamedBean> AbstractTableTabAction<E extends NamedBean> AbstractTableTabAction.TabbedTableItem<E extends NamedBean> AddNewBeanPanel JPanel to create a new JMRI device (used to add Memory, Block, OBlock (UI _tabbed)).AddNewDevicePanel JPanel to create a new JMRI device (used to add IdTag).AddNewHardwareDevicePanel JPanel to create a new hardware-backed NamedBean.AudioTableAction Swing action to create and register an AudioTable GUI.AudioTableFrame This file is part of JMRI.AudioTablePanel This file is part of JMRI.BeanTableDataModel<T extends NamedBean> Abstract Table data model for display of NamedBean manager contents.BeanTableDataModel.DateRenderer BeanTableDataModel.HeaderActionListener Listener class which processes Column Menu button clicks.BeanTableFrame<E extends NamedBean> Provide a JFrame to display a table of NamedBeans.BeanTablePane<E extends NamedBean> Provide a JPanel to display a table of NamedBeans.BeanTableStartupActionFactory Factory for BeanTable startup actions.BlockTableAction Swing action to create and register a BlockTable GUI.Bundle EnablingCheckboxRenderer Handle painting checkbox classes in a JTable.EnablingTriStateCheckboxRenderer Handle painting tristate checkbox classes in a JTable.IdTagTableAction Swing action to create and register a IdTagTable GUI.IdTagTableDataModel TableDataModel for an IdTag Table.IdTagTableTabAction LightTableAction Swing action to create and register a LightTable GUI.LightTableTabAction ListedTableAction Table Action for dealing with all the JMRI NamedBean etc. tables in a single view with a list option to the left hand side.ListedTableFrame<E extends NamedBean> Provide access to the various tables in the tabbed Tables interface via a listed pane (normally to the left).ListedTableFrame.TabbedTableItem<E extends NamedBean> One tabbed item on the ListedTable containing the table(s) for a NamedBean class.ListedTableFrame.TabbedTableItemListArray LogixNGGlobalVariableTableAction Swing action to create and register a LogixNG Global Variables Table.LogixNGModuleTableAction Swing action to create and register a LogixNG Table.LogixNGTableAction Swing action to create and register a LogixNG Table.LogixNGTableTableAction Swing action to create and register a LogixNG Table.LogixTableAction Swing action to create and register a Logix Table.LRouteTableAction Swing action to create and register groups of Logix Condtionals to perform a railroad control task.LRouteTableAction.RouteElement Base class for all the output (ConditionalAction) and input (ConditionalVariable) elementsLRouteTableAction.RouteElementComparator Sorts RouteElementMaintenance A collection of static utilities to provide cross referencing information among the various PanelPro objects.MemoryTableAction Swing action to create and register a MemoryTable GUI.MemoryTableDataModel TableDataModel for the Memory Table.OBlockTableAction GUI to define OBlocks, OPaths and Portals.OBlockTableFrame Override to place the four OBlock tables in tabbed interface.OBlockTablePanel GUI for tabbed OBlock editing since 2020.RailComTableAction Swing action to create and register a RailCommTable GUI.RailComTableDataModel TableDataModel for the RailCom Table.ReporterTableAction Swing action to create and register a ReporterTable GUI.ReporterTableDataModel Data model for a Reporter Table.ReporterTableTabAction RouteTableAction Swing action to create and register a Route Table.RouteTableDataModel TableDataModel for the Route Table.RowComboBoxPanel Table cell editor abstract class with a custom ComboBox per row as the editing component.SectionTableAction Swing action to create and register a SectionTable GUI.SensorTableAction Swing action to create and register a SensorTable GUI.SensorTableTabAction SetPhysicalLocationAction Swing action to create a SetPhysicalLocation dialog.SignalGroupSubTableAction Swing action to create and register a SignalGroup - Signal Head Edit Table.SignalGroupTableAction Swing action to create and register a Signal Group Table.SignalHeadAddEditFrame Frame for creating / editing Signal Heads.SignalHeadTableAction Swing action to create and register a SignalHeadTable GUI.SignalHeadTableModel Model for a SignalHeadTable.SignalMastLogicTableAction SignalMastTableAction Swing action to create and register a SignalMastTable GUI.TransitTableAction Swing action to create and register a TransitTable GUI.TurnoutTableAction Swing action to create and register a TurnoutTable GUI.TurnoutTableTabAction -
Enum Summary Enum Description BlockTableAction.RestoreRule Rules for restoring block values *LogixTableAction.EditMode Conditional edit view modeLogixTableAction.SelectionMode Input selection names.